Just wanted to make a different post to change what we've been seeing on these forums recently.
So what do you guys think? I would have put more but no room so I just did the first ones to come to mind
Post which guardian you chose or the "other"
Edit: so the highest voted were dead pool, goku, the chief, and a few all powerful deities.
Edited by Erijian: 7/3/2015 11:47:39 PMLmao, there are people thinking Master Chief could beat Deadpool. Blind fanboys at their finest.
Why aren't I in this?
Darth Revan
Idk why everyone thinks master chief is the best at anything he's human so I'm pretty sure anything that's immortal or the sun exploding would easily kill him
Deadpool because even if he dies he comes back to life
Nah dude. Plue could take them all on.
Natsu would beat all of them
People ripping on Natsu? He's the Lighting-Fire Dragon Slayer. He beat someone Master Mokorv couldn't
When I saw the master chief option I thought it said master chef and I got confused
None of the above. Goku wins. His power level is to high!
Exodia from yugioh
Am i missing something, isnt dead pool immortal
Dead pool can't die
Edited by Azhidal: 7/3/2015 8:08:31 PMDeadpool, since the only way to kill him is with weapons that are made an extra-demesional metal that has the unique effect of being able to shut off regeneration. And none of these listed combatants has ever had access to it besides deadpool, and to say they could take it from him is a laugh because compared to whats shown on this list deadpool is god-teir even compaired to something like oryx(the god of other hive gods). That and he could simply not bring it into combat with him. EDIT: On top of this deadpool has an infinity gem that lets him warp continuity(this is a thing, seriously) he could change the origins of anyone or back storry, or weakness', etc... It effectivley enhances his power to break the 4th wall and access the 5th demension and control the story as he see's fit. If you follow the marvel comics adamantley, or are just plain nerdy like me, this effectivley gives him equal status with THE ONE ABOVE ALL, which is the meta-physical embodiment of stan lee in the marvel multi-verse.
Goku could fight all of them at once
Batman. Obviously.
Master chief fanboys lol... Dead pool would win anyday.
Batman [spoiler]because he's Batman [/spoiler]
I favor master master chief in this battle. Even though I read comments below about who would win, mainly deadpool, I still feel like chief would. The weapons introduced in halo 4 would disintegrate him, and while yes, he is able to regenerate, I feel as though multiple shots from the rocket launcher-esque promethian (I believe) weapon would cause enough disintegration effect to over power said regen. However, I don't know, and I won't claim to know, it's just what I would think. Never read any deadpool, but one thing I do know, is that a battle between the chief and deadpool would be badass Feel free to disagree, agree, slander me or praise. It's the Internet, what're they gonna do, take away your birthday?
Bungie would win [spoiler]because they would nerf everyone and beat then[/spoiler]
Master Chief would find a way to bring all of them to a half finished Halo and fire it as well as run away on a space ship. So yeah, he wins.
Torn between Master Chief and Deadpool. They'd probably team up and kill everyone else.