Heres a question...
Transformers "the cube"
Destiny "the traveler"
Who would win
Honestly, no idea
Or marvels the infinity gauntlet...
Infinity gauntlet obviously, whoever had it would be the literal god of time and space
Like Atheon... 0_0
Atheon can only control time in the vault I believe, the weilder of the gauntlet could wipe the vault from existence lol
Well then, how did they stop the gauntlet in the comics then?
Thanos allows himself to be beaten everytime because he doesn't truly believe he deserves the power he revealed that in one of his issues, in one arc nebula gets the gauntlet and the other is escaping me right now
Wow, that's kinda a disappointing ending
It's actually really cool the way they did it
Ill take your word for it (since I can never found a place I can read them at)