Alright, so in the number of threads I have seen while just killing time or being unable to sleep as per usual, I see various people posting calling the majority of us "whiners" for daring to complain about the game. Not to mention, the now very few, fanboys who praise Destiny like it is the bees knees and greatest game ever. I mean these are the kinds of people you just can't even hold a civilized back and forth with, nothing at all resembling a debate because of how blind they are.
So I'm going to explain something as very clear as I possibly can, because I feel the need to do so.
First, lets get something straight right out the gate. I'm not a Guardian.
I'm a mother-blam!-ing "SPARTAN", understood?
I played Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, Halo Wars, Halo: Reach and Halo 4. I've watched and own the Halo Movies and Anime. I've got a "Remember Reach" poster on my wall and a tattoo that reads "John-117" right next to my "N7" (Cause lets face it, Shepard and the Chief would be best friends if they ever got to actually meet).
I'm a Spartan, first and foremost. I got Destiny BECAUSE I'm a Spartan.
I became a Bungie fan BECAUSE of Halo and I supported their mission to conquer the world because of it. I got choked up when I heard they were no longer going to be working on the series, but when they first announced the development of Destiny? Yeah, no doubt, I was onboard. They had made me a diehard fan, and I was willing to follow them without question. I helped sell their game, I got them pre-orders like nobodies business where I worked, scoring at least 10-20 pre-orders damn near every day, myself included. I played the Beta. I was there for the Midnight Release and I played Destiny non-stop.
Now, you might be wondering, if I'm talking so highly of Bungie and their creation, why so much negative feedback?
You need to recognize that its not senseless hate. NO ONE who "complains" on this forum actually hates the game. Quite the opposite. I will bet dollars to doughnuts that everyone on here who you would call a "whiner" is a serious hardcore fan. In fact, we're probably way more hardcore and attached to Destiny than those who take offense to us talking badly about it.
In truth, the REAL fans here know the Halo series.
Look to your left. Now to your right. The Guardians you see around you are actually Spartans who have their armor in a locker at the Tower. You might think I'm kidding, but you would probably be surprised just how many of us there are.
We know what Bungie is capable of doing. We have experienced it for ourselves. Would you believe that Halo 3 had a budget of roughly $60 million? That's including their marketing costs. Destiny meanwhile had $500 million. There is no excuse for everything that has happened with this game.
We Spartans look at Destiny and see the potential of what once was, and what it could STILL be. We are on here, taking the time out of our days to make these feedback threads/posts in the hopes that maybe something constructive will come out of it.
We all know Bungie can create greatness. We've seen it first hand. The fact that they think "Destiny" in its current state is acceptable is just mind blowing for most of us.
The Spartans look at the base game and say "where's the meat?"
The Spartans look at Dark Below and just shake their heads, wondering why in the hell they had to pay $20 to play content that was originally apart of their $60 purchase when it was clear to everyone how shoddy the vanilla version was.
The Spartans look at House of Wolves and flash a smile, but its very short lived because we're still wondering why in the hell we're paying so much god damn money for an obvious incomplete game.
The Spartans look at The Taken King and gawk at the ridiculous price of $40 when we've already paid that much for "DLC" which should have been given to all of us for free from the very start, like it is now for "new players" looking to get into the franchise with the release of TTK. New players pay your standard $60 purchase for the game that WE Day 1 Players should have received from the start.
The Spartans look at the "Veteran" Shaders, Emblem and Sparrow that we'll get for having spent $140+ and we're just confused to all hell because we're thinking where is value to this? We already paid $40 worth of DLC crap, now they want more? And they give us so little to go along with it? How about some Veteran EXOTICS or LEGENDARY weapons or armor?
The Spartans look at the Sparrow and wonder why there is only ONE type of vehicle for players to buy and bring with them.
The Spartans look at their defeated enemies as they lay on the ground, dead, and wonder why they can't pick up the alien weapons just laying on the ground.
The Spartans look at the Crucible and wonder why its taken them up to TTK to finally put in a Capture the Flag mode.
The Spartans look at the 4-5 hours worth of story missions that consist almost entirely of Horde Mode encounters, next to no cinematics, a lack luster story where nothing is ever really explained, enemy drop ships hovering overhead that are impossible to destroy...and question whether or not Bungie actually made this game.
The Spartans look at all the Sony Exclusives and question if Bungie no longer cares about them, and yet they continue to try and support a company which doesn't try to go out of its way in the least to do anything for them that is special in the least.
The Spartans look at Destiny...and mourn the loss of the Bungie we thought we knew.
I welcome all Spartans who are willing that see this post to comment below.
Edit: Another thread of mine in which I get very critical and detailed about Destiny and all of its flaws:
I concur wholeheartedly. There is a lot to complain about in the game, but I feel most people complain not out of hate but disappointment. The engine is here for greatness, it just seems like it's been underutilized. Like the devs no longer have the capability to change anything significantly, nor seem to take any criticism constructive or not from the community.
Long time Spartan here, Halo CE literally converted me into a gamer, this game is an utter disappointment and a disgrace to the Bungie name, or should I say Bungivision
YUUUUT For those that don't speak Marine [spoiler]well done Spartan. Bungie needs their head surgically removed and get back on track with their players. If that means telling Craptivision to piss off then, good riddance.[/spoiler]
Such a shame really. This game had the potential to make halo look like pacman....that potential is dying faster and faster day by day. So many missed opportunities, so many community ideas/feedback thrown out the window. It really is saddening. I really WANT to love this game again. I really WANT to see its potential come to life. I really WANT the old BUNGIE back. TTK is my last glimmering hope. I will NOT preorder it....i will NOT buy it on release day. Once i see exactly what we are getting for this amount of money is when will decide if i continue to play this potentially amazing yet morally draining game. God Speed
This post was very moving, and I hope everyone at Bungie has a chance to read it. Dear Spartans, I am new among you. I never fought on the front lines of Reach, I never prevented galactic genocide, and I never will go through the same experiences as you will, because I am not a Spartan. I am a Guardian. Destiny is my first Bungie game, and even though I had interests in Halo, I've never really sat down and played it. I stepped in to a community long established before I could even buy my own PS4, and I look up to you in awe. Spartans, you are my Ancestors, the legendary heroes that I read about in the libraries, and I shall always give you the respect you deserve. I was born a Guardian, grew as a Guardian, and I will remain a Guardian for years to come, to push back the Darkness. I am living my own legend, creating my own destiny, and I am humbled to know that I fight along side my parent Spartans. Let us join in unity, grow together, and pave our way through the future. Let's write a new story, one about the Children of Bungie, and not as separate peoples. From this point forward, no matter where we go or what game we play, remember who you are. As for me, I am proud to be a Warlock, I am proud to be a Guardian, as I am sure that you are proud to be a Spartan. Thank you for creating this post.
Well written, well stated.
Thank you for this post. You've explained how so many of us [u]Spartans[/u] feel.
For Sparta!!!
Can't believe how perfectly you nailed it!
Edited by brand new70: 7/5/2015 9:12:36 PMYeah man I'm a huge fan and I do complain on this forum occasionally, but that's what it's here for. There really are a lot of disparities in all activities of this game; little things here and there that if Bungie fixed and balanced it would be so much better. I really feel like this game has so much wasted potential and to hear its budget was so much greater than Halo 3 is disappointing. The part I want Bungie to read is that I would rather have them spend all of their time correcting issues in the game than coming out with new content. Though the story was totally lacking I would sacrifice new story for better gameplay. That may be stating the obvious but it's true. I really like this game and find myself playing it every day, but there's things in PvE and PvP that constantly make me feel like I got jipped, so I'm just a little disappointed.
Here's a chance to do something more.
brother I agree with some of what you said but when it comes to exclusives unless you want to shell out millions of dollars you are screwed and its not bungie that screwed you , its not Sony that screwed you , its Microsoft that screwed you . Microsoft didn't pay upfront for the content and Sony did that's all it boils down to a simple business decision that your platform decided not to jump on. before you even try to jump me about being a Sony or PlayStation ( insert childish insult ) I am a Spartan also I still have my Xbox and Halo-Halo-2 and have had many of the same titles you listed . on both of my big toes on the bottom is tattooed 117 . got that when Halo3 hit shelves 6 of us got the same tats and no I don't recommend to ever get the bottom of your toe tattooed you won't be able to walk of days and will find muscles you never knew you had then not to step on the toes lol destiny has the most potential of any game I have ever seen and I desperately wish it could live up to half of that potential .
Edited by g34r: 7/6/2015 7:15:23 PMI'm a whiny ass fanboy who is fanboying all over the place. Poor me that the new Halo isn't out.
Angry Joe's review of Destiny. I had put this in a reply to someone on here but I wanted it to be its own post in here. Again, its another old video but a lot of it is talking about problems which are, funny enough, STILL problems for the game. His prediction about the DLC has also obviously been confirmed as true, as we can see.
Angry Joe's follow up video to his Destiny Review.
Yet another relevant video to all us.
Another good video detailing the issues with the new Bungie and TTK.
-fellow Spartan 10 years and running- Bungie- "let's create a beautiful and wondrous and gigantic open sand box full of story, lore, guns, explosions, full of badasses with badassness oozing everywhere that everyone will love" Activision- we will pay for it(fine print, under our terms) Bungie- *signs papers* Activision- "show me what you have bungie" Bungie- *reveals oozing badass* Activision- "Take this out and this out and and bundle it into a DLC package" Bungie- "that will ruin the story we worked so hard on" Activision- "take that shit out too, nobody cares" and don't back talk you signed the contract Bungie- *tearing up*(rips apart their masterpiece and replaces it with husk story) Activision- "good good, now do this every year until we tell you to make Destiny 2. (3 months later) Activision- "nerf everything and tell them new and better weapons will be available in the $40 Taken King expansion" Bungie- *sadly(possible crying)* "yes master"
Ok at first i thought u were defending bungie but looks like u hate them too for being shitty developers on this game. Bump
Bungie no longer exists All the people who truly loved halo went to 343 Only the left overs stayed at bungie to "experiment"
I truly enjoyed reading this post. I feel like grabbing my battle rifle and heading to activision to slay n tbag them for killing bungies reputation.
Edited by Malphisto: 7/6/2015 7:37:20 AMHalo 5 PvP Gameplay. Its basically Halo meets Planetside 2 and Star Wars Battlefront (The first two games, not the new one), which is ridiculously badass. I don't know about anyone else, but I much prefer having objectives and goal oriented combat for my PvP action. And bare in mind, again, imagine if Destiny had things like this.
For those who keep thinking Destiny is better than Halo. This is the Halo 5 E3 Demo. THIS is how you play a narrative. THIS is how you do a story. THIS is how you do mission design. Now picture Destiny being like THIS, with THIS kind of gameplay in the Destiny universe with Guardians, and then you'll have yourself the makings of greatness.