But all of those examples you gave are based on those characters getting the upper hand over deadpool? Because he's going to stand there and be frozen or hulk smashed? He's an expert of all forms of combat for a reason...
Iceman can freeze him easy and does not have to be close. He can freeze the moisture in the air if he wants to. Leech would need to be close which shouldn't be a problem unless Deadpool knew he was there. (I'll give you this one) Deadpool is not faster or stronger than Spiderman by any stretch of the imagination. This one is not even debatable. Spiderman wins every time and twice on Sunday. Hulk can bring a building down on him or crack the ground he is standing on. Hulk can also take getting cut with the blades in order to get close. Hulks massive strength gives him more than enough speed to close the gap.Not to mention ground smash and thunder clap for those ranged attacks. Sounds to me that you are of a singular mind that Deadpool is the be all end all and no amount of common (comic) sense will dissuade you from your fanboy love of Deadpool.
But anyway, the point is he would dominate this list ahaa
No, no not at all. I am not even Deadpool's biggest fan, but there is no denying he is a powerhouse. And in the Axis storyline his strength does match up to Spiderman and also at one point he obtains and uses the Infinity Gauntlet. So there is no denying he is a mean mutherfùcker. I personally prefer Black Panther and Moon Knight :)