The biggest problem I have is the nerf this nerf that threads that give no solutions just complain that I have a problem with because it doesn't help anything. Now that being said some people call for needs and actually give ideas on how the nerf should happen (some good ideas some awful ones) that I don't have a problem with even if it's a bad idea you at least had an idea and didn't just say "NERF THORN ITS OP" and leave it there.
But the nerf threads are so prevalent because the crucible is severely unbalanced.
Edited by iCoN OvErRuNz: 7/2/2015 7:07:54 PMNo they are not relevant. Saying nerf this without any kind of solutions or backing doesn't do anything but hurt the game. Take auto rifles for example that all you saw was nerf them they are op not do this or that to fix them threads just nerf them and look what happened auto rifles are all but useless now. If people came out with I think thorn needs to be needed what do you guys think would fix it threads I would have no problem.
Edited by Bad Wolf: 7/2/2015 7:16:12 PMI said [b][u]prevalent[/u][/b] not [b][u]relevant[/u][/b], and they are only [u][b]prevalent[/b][/u] because of how unbalanced the game is. It's not the job of players to tell the developers how to balance their game, a developer that is on top of things would be looking at weapon use statistics and gameplay footage and tweaking their weapons accordingly, the autorifles were unbalanced they were out shooting scout rifles at range, Bungie had one job; reduce their range to serve in a close to medium range, instead they nerfed them into uselessness. And that being said there are tons of comments or there giving great suggestions on how to balance the weapons, Bungie hasn't listened to those either.
Yea and I have no problem with those post. A post that just says nerf this it's OP has no value at all it's worthless.
Edited by Bad Wolf: 7/2/2015 7:21:06 PMThey have value in that if there are enough of them they bring attention to a problem, and unless Bungie's development team is run by simpletons, they shouldn't just look at the posts and go, "Bungie nerf autorifles" They should say, "oh lots of players are having problems with the autorifles, let's look at gameplay stats, and see what we can do about them."
And you see how that worked out didn't you? So again I say they bring no value.
But that's not on the players, that's on Bungie for being too incompetent to balance their weapons properly.
Edited by iCoN OvErRuNz: 7/2/2015 7:29:51 PMThats also on the player for not giving adequate feedback. Saying nerf this is the bare minimum to even be considered feedback. If you where to say I think auto rifles need a nerf because the shouldn't be able to shoot this accurately at this kind of range. You have given adequate feedback now developers have somewhere to start.
Edited by Bad Wolf: 7/2/2015 7:34:11 PMMight be the bare minimum, but it's still feedback, it brings attention to a problem. No one is saying suggesting solutions isn't better, but it's not our responsibility. Bungie has been developing fps's for what, 20 years now?
Edited by iCoN OvErRuNz: 7/2/2015 7:36:24 PMDisagree if you want to see the game grow and improve it is your responsibility. Now yes it not your responsibility to make that change work or to implement it but giving a developer good feedback goes a long way. Further more most developers not just bungie developers will complete ignore a post with no information as to why you think something should be nerfed.
Bungie obviously does what they want, they have pretty much ignored most of the useful feedback, and if as you said most developers ignore posts that just say nerf without giving a reason, you are only proving my point that the autorifle nerf is all on Bungie.
It was on us to as players for not giving the feed back. Did they mess up the nerf severally hell Yea they did but I can't put all the blam on them that being said yes the majority of the blame falls on the developer.
Dude you can't have it both ways, you can't say Bungie doesn't listen to feedback that just says nerf, then turn around and say it's that very feedback that's responsible for that nerf.
Sure I can because that's what happened. Thats also why we haven't seen a thorn nerf yet because they realise they -blam!-ed up last time.
Edited by Bad Wolf: 7/2/2015 8:01:33 PMYou do know that is the very definition of contradictory right? They messed up the autorifle balancing because of incompetence, not because of a few posts that said autorifles were too powerful, and if I remember correctly, most people were actually asking for a buff to the other weapons not a nerf to autorifles. And if Bungie just goes "forum says nerf, so we nerf" without actually collating data from play testing, feedback, footage, and weapon use stats, they are even more incompetent than I already think they are.
You remember wrong then this forum was littered with nerf auto rifles/auto rifle are to over powered threads.
Even if I remember wrong, which I don't think I do, but for the sake of argument let's say it was as you said, the rest of my point still stands, you are contradicting yourself.
I am not actually. You are just clearly having an issue comprehending what I am saying which is probably my fault due to improper context.
Edited by Bad Wolf: 7/2/2015 8:16:38 PMThen please do clarify. We both agree feedback with suggestions are better, nobody is disagreeing, we both agree that nerf complaints constitute feedback, wat we disagree on is their efficacy, I think they are valuable because they bring attention to a problem, you stated they are largely ignored, then you blame them for the nerf, how can they both be ignored and responsible for changes to the game?
Damn bro, each post you made was a friggen zinger, lol I don't think he's getting it, though.
Edited by Bad Wolf: 7/2/2015 9:57:41 PMI didn't intend it to be, lol. I'm just tired off the Destiny community blaming each other, and ignoring where the real fault lies. Bungie is responsible for the upkeep of this game. Yeah I don't think he's getting what I'm trying to say.
Edited by iCoN OvErRuNz: 7/2/2015 8:23:25 PMOkay to clarify I think this was bungies biggest problem in the beginning of the game. They where looks at all the feedback and not filtering like most game development companies do. I think they realised that was a bad idea (this is where the auto rifle nerf happened). Now they are approaching feedback as they should have I the beginning and filtering it to ignore post such as the (nerf this) that do not give any information as to why you fell it needs a nerf or buff for that matter. Thats why I think the shotgun buff to only pve was so good or the pulse rifle buff they listened to the in depth feed back not just the "guys this sucks" feedback.
Ahem: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up for me. You don't work at Bungie, you can't say for certain either which way about anything that they are actually doing in regards to the feedback. And with recent events, its leaning more and more towards the side of them just not giving two shits about any of it, at all.