You heard it right scrubs and scrublords out there if you are new or just need tips tricks and training look no further we have the veterans here that want to help you. Trouble with confluxes? No problem. Sword running on Crota we're good there as well. Just need help figuring out crucible? That's here too!
We need both breeds here, day one vets ready to take on a sidekick or pupil and teach them the ways of awesome or newer people people as well! Even all you people who have been playing but still just can't figure something out. Post here and find your Scrublord!
Heads up to those of you new to the AaS program
Scrubs= new guys or someone needing help
Scrublords= mentors/veterans
Make sure to post console too fellas.
Being a scrub doesn't make you bad here just means you're looking for help.
Also I'm on xbox one and always willing to help add me to play
GT: Nedo Commando
Edit 1: great going scrubs and scrublords good to see so many guardians willing to give back to their community!
Need a scrublord to help with ToO this week I'm on Xbox 360. I'm decent at crucible but looking to get better