Hey guys, fairly new to ps4 and destiny, just looking for an active group to play with.
-I have a mic
-level 24 hunter
-haven't done any raids :/
We are looking for new eager members to come join our infant clan. Me myself, loves to run crucible more then anything. But most of my clanmates are strict on the PvE scene. Our goal as a group is to conquer the game, by completing raids, strikes, missions, and destroying the Crucible. Join our force, Reamer Captains, for a group based on teamwork, acceptance, dedication, and completion. Guardians, we are open for you. All it takes is a click of a button, and you have secured yourself for a brighter destiny future. Once more, Join us, the Reamer Captains. I guarantee you will never be disappointed. (All guardians welcome, lets have some fun, eh?)