So here is a quick idea I had for Destiny 2 and I didn't check to see if anyone else has had a similar idea anywhere else. So I apologize in advance if you already had this idea.
So I was thinking there could be a Guardian civil war in Destiny 2. There would be two sides both with their own leaders and base of operations. The first side would be going back to the original story theory with The Crow and his Guardians that oppose the Traveler. This side would be led by The Crow and The Exo Stranger. For their base, they would team up with The Fallen to take over The Reef. This leads me to the other faction, The Tower and The Guardians who support The Traveler. They would obviously have The Tower as their base and be led by The Speaker and The Vanguard. In addition, The Awoken from The Reef would join The Tower after getting kicked out. Of course The Reef would also need their own version of The Crucible and The Vanguard as well.
So what do you guys think? Is this a good idea or am I just weird?
I want you all to know that I would burn your precious tower to the ground. Trinary Star Cult for life!