$40 is 2/3 of $60. As of now 1 new patrol revealed. 4 patrols with vanilla destiny. 1/4 is 25%. 2/3 is 66.67%. Where is the 41.67% more patrols we're paying for? 1 new subclass vs the 2 we payed $60 for. 1/2 is 50%. Where are the additional 16.67% of our subclasses? 1 new enemy type in the taken king vs 4 in vanilla destiny. Where are the additional 41.67% of new enemies? 41.67% + 41.67% + 16.67% = 100%. We are paying for at least 100% more content than has been revealed. 100% is also known as 1. Destiny is 1 word. Illuminati is 1 word. Destiny creators are illuminati confirmed!
*head explodes*