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7/4/2015 2:03:50 AM

Dear Bungie, My little rant

Who killed the good old name of Bungie? As a diehard fan of Destiny I come home from my job each day and try to squeeze in a couple hours of one of the best FPS I have ever played, Destiny. I love this game to death, and I am even willing to dump plenty of my hard earned money into "Expansions". So far I have paid $140 towards Destiny and it's contents which was close to 20 hours of labor at job to pay for it (even through the Dark Below and House of Wolves were rumored to be part of the original game, and originally free, but Activision, being the money grubbers they are toke them out and sold them a "Expansions" (Might I mention according to reliable sources the Taken King expansion was the first originally planned expansion, hence why it is the size of an actual expansion)). None of this was big deal to me, even the fact that PlayStation (and Xbox doesn't) get(s) exclusive content because Sony wanted to feed your piggy bank. None of the benign neglect of customer satisfaction and equality was an issue to me until the announcement of the Red Bull Destiny Promo. Dear god Bungie, who are you anymore?! You have had stolen from me, a mission of the expansion I paid $40 (Enough to fill my car up with gas) for so that you could pair up with Red Bull, and once again screw over your customers for some extra side income flow! I now have to buy Red Bull, an energy drink that I never drink, to POSSIBLY get my game content back! And on top of this I have network issues with game only constantly!! This is over the top greed from a company that was the creators of Halo, the BEST FPS ever created. You used to be a generous company that cared about its fans... But I guess even you couldn't help to succumb to the desires of easy money, oink oink you insatiable capitalist pigs.

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