I favor master master chief in this battle. Even though I read comments below about who would win, mainly deadpool, I still feel like chief would. The weapons introduced in halo 4 would disintegrate him, and while yes, he is able to regenerate, I feel as though multiple shots from the rocket launcher-esque promethian (I believe) weapon would cause enough disintegration effect to over power said regen. However, I don't know, and I won't claim to know, it's just what I would think. Never read any deadpool, but one thing I do know, is that a battle between the chief and deadpool would be badass
Feel free to disagree, agree, slander me or praise. It's the Internet, what're they gonna do, take away your birthday?
Yes, they will take away my birthday XD To help your argument, the weapons don't disintegrate the target, they digitize them, like the composer, so it would turn deadpool into data, not killing him or sending his soul to hell. However, I'm not sure who would win
What if the two realize their own badass-ness and join forces, creating a dynamic duo of destruction? (Plot twist, it's a tag battle...or not I mean...)
Ohh snap! Everyone else dies