Just wanted to make a different post to change what we've been seeing on these forums recently.
So what do you guys think? I would have put more but no room so I just did the first ones to come to mind
Post which guardian you chose or the "other"
Edit: so the highest voted were dead pool, goku, the chief, and a few all powerful deities.
I favor master master chief in this battle. Even though I read comments below about who would win, mainly deadpool, I still feel like chief would. The weapons introduced in halo 4 would disintegrate him, and while yes, he is able to regenerate, I feel as though multiple shots from the rocket launcher-esque promethian (I believe) weapon would cause enough disintegration effect to over power said regen. However, I don't know, and I won't claim to know, it's just what I would think. Never read any deadpool, but one thing I do know, is that a battle between the chief and deadpool would be badass Feel free to disagree, agree, slander me or praise. It's the Internet, what're they gonna do, take away your birthday?