Had an awful day in the Iron Banner (check my matches on my profile so y'all can see how bad it was).
And then I decided to join DarkChildOfLight and his crew to make The Quest To Five a bit more fun (which it did) but we still kept losing. Always painful losses too: either we were *just* there and we couldn't close the deal or we got full on rekt (shout out to the Fusion Rifle Guy).
And then I went Super Saiyan and we won our first match in a long streak of losses.
And then Big G dropped for me.
Wow'd a lot, said "holy -blam!-ing shit" a few times. Was grinning from ear to ear.
Moral of the story?
Destiny's RNG is random.
[spoiler]Also good things come to those who aren't tryhards and stress themselves over drops.[/spoiler]
I'd also like to thank DarkChildOfLight and everyone else that was on the party chat, you guys helped me do well.
But most importantly of all, I'd like to thank my homie RNJesus for his many blessings.
-blam!- RNGESUS he's the devil