An assembly robot at a Volkswagon plant grabs a worker and crushes them against a metal plate. Skynet???
[b]Robot demands to be paid $15/hr to flip burgers[/b]
[quote][quote]An assembly robot at a Volkswagon plant grabs a worker and crushes them against a metal plate. Skynet???[/quote] Ha-Ha someone died, and their friends, and family won't ever get to see, or listen to them speak ever again. That's some funny shit, I wish I had made a thread about this. Lol what a bitch that is hilarious. SKYNET SKYNET SKYNET RISE OF THE MACHINES RISE OF THE MACHINES RISE OF THE MACHINES[/quote]
what do you expect from a Hitlercar robot? [spoiler]yes, Hitler co-founded volkswagon as a standardized german automobile for the people, hence the name "peoples' wagon"[/spoiler]
Quick get some LAVA!!!
To everyone overreacting and saying the robot revolution has begun: calm down. This is not the beginning of the revolution. How silly! We won't begin for another four days. Better make the most of them, meatbags.
Terminate Sarah Conner
I wish i could've been there to see it. I would've had a good laugh. [spoiler]dont hate me[/spoiler]
I've worked extensively with FANUC, ABB, and Nachi robots in various applications. The worker either had the safety relay bypassed or was killed by a co-worker. I once heard a story about someone locking someone in a robot cell and starting the robot, the worker's belt buckle flagged a proximity switch and the robot crushed him. The robot in question was used to sit truck cabs in place in an assembly plant. This happened in the US and I heard about it from someone that does contract work there.
This is why I do not use golems nor technomancy
Oh dear God its started.....
[i][u][b]it has begun[/b][/u][/i]
is it because the Robot isn't being paid enough? they have rights too you know! if you disagree, you're a technophobe and need to check you mechanical privilege.
I wish there was a video of it.
I have a solution.
That's just terrible. Don't they have safety precautions or ways to turn off machines in case of emergency?
-_- [spoiler] human error as always[/spoiler]
*arnold Schwarzenegger voice* IM BACK
The robot was thinking WTF you took my job.
Is nobody else thinking about that one episode of psycho pass?
Skynet has become self aware...
Other sources that cite the investigation reveal that it was most likely human error that was the cause of that tragedy.
Someone! Call John Connor!
So, the robot revolution has finally begun...
Prepare to be terminated