originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*Jumps in fron of you and activates his energy shields which start taking shots*
Quiclkly bloew em up!
*shoots back at the turrets*
*throws a hook blade onto their sensors and pulls. Pulling it off its stand and whips it into the other* [i]NO NO NO NO!!!![/i] *an old man with crazed hair comes down wearing a mask* [i]YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!! GAAAA!!![/i] *he charges very slowly at you*
[spoiler]sorry fro delay logn story[/spoiler] *reverse upercuts (wiht mdoerate force)*
[spoiler]im in Europe now lol.[/spoiler] *he dies instantly* Wow! You just killed an old guy!
ddint even try...
Well... I guess he was crazy anyways? Let's head up. *we walk up stairs to find a metal box closed* You want the honours?
alright.. *punches the box*
*the box opens* *an epic tune plays as you look through the box* *you hold up the nuclear mask* [i]*tge mask is a black spec hops helm. With red glaring eyes.[/i] [i]this mask will allow you to return 1/2 the explosive damage you have been hit with. [/i] Well Sal? What do you think?
*Is tunning up the mask with the same paintjob of his old mask and adding up armor plates* Wuh?
This should grant you some fulfilling powers don't you think?
Alright. You head back. I have things to do. [spoiler]gunna stick to my vacation lol. Talk to you in a week[/spoiler]