[i]The six classes receive a letter from the speaker asking them to visit him in his beach house. They arrive and enter a large house. [/i]
VW: speaker we're here man what's up?
S: speaker where are you man?
D: Guys come see this!
BD: holy shit is that his intestines in his...
D: yep...
[i]the classes stare at the speaker's corpse splattered all over the ground like a -blam!-ed up art project.[/i]
GS: Let's get the vanguard, ghost activate my ship please
GS's ghost: Error 6798: object malfunction malware suspected
[i]Everyone's ghost shudder and falls to the ground while projecting a movie[/i]
???: hello guardians, I see you've found the speaker. His remains are the result of what lives on this property. I have taken the liberty of stealing your ships and sealing off all exits to the property. Anyone who attempts to leave past the court yard will get a special surprise I hand picked. Anyone left in the morning can expect another message from me. One last thing, try not to sleep guardian the beast is nocturnal.
[i]end of transmission [/i]
SS: well that's just great, no ghosts, no escape, we're trapped here.
BD: he said the thing is nocturnal so we just have to make it till morning, no biggie. We've handled worse in the summoning pits.
VW: don't get cocky we don't have our ghosts with us, that means no revives or respawns. I just wonder what this guy is trying to accomplish.
D: everyone has super right? Maybe we can kill this thing before it kills us.
GS: hey guys we might want to go somewhere a little more private, if this guy can hack our ghost then he probably has camera's rigged all around.
SS: the beast will be more mobile outside if that's what you're suggesting...
BD: that advantage goes both ways.
D: I have my bubble so we can hold out in here.
GS: that's fine by me but I'm heading outside where that guy can't see me. Who's with me?
BD: I'm in.
VW: this is so stupid splitting up but if everyone else wants to split I'll go with the hunters SS protect those Titans.
SS: Can do you be safe out there.
[i]VW, GS, and BD head outside[/i]
D: alright we got 2 entry points to cover S you take one, I'll take the other and SS you sit back in reserve.
S: -blam!- man there's something down my hall, I can't make it out...
SS: well it's not one of us so shoot and ask questions later.
S: my bullets aren't doing anything man!!
SS: move out of the way... I got a gally shot. Let's hope this works.
[b]this is part 1 is people like it I have a 2 hour flight home so I can write part 2[/b]