You must kill the person below you, but here's the catch. You must do it creatively.
Edited by Ospreyassault: 7/4/2015 10:53:22 PMPut an apple on YAGER's head and miss repeatedly.
I'll hire Lizard Squad to DDOS [i]Chirsplaysdestiny[/i] >:D
Edited by Christheultima: 7/4/2015 10:25:15 PMQuestion can I use rvb's freckles to make German Doritos that jump rope over anything that they see then send an army of Sanics which are dressed like a heavy holding a sandvitch to kills Asian equations
Edited by Swindor: 7/4/2015 10:26:04 PMCya Rhynerd! *steals and burns wallet* *unplugs the router and burns it as well* Now we wait
Edited by Rhynerd: 7/4/2015 10:22:23 PMLike so. Only my victim won't be a giant worm possibly made of magma with a parasite for an eye. Instead it's some guy named AsianEquationz
Burnt salmon, I put a needle under your toenail and made you kick a wall repeatedly. :)
Ah, Psychomech. "Disembowelled with a broadsword and strangled to death with his own intestines" FATALITY
so, loafabredda, I have this here wood chipper. now if you would look to the inside at the revolving blades... *throws loafabredda in to wood chipper*
Edited by loafabredda: 7/4/2015 9:24:19 PMThe message in my fortune cookie - kill jaytothen with this cookie
I swerve car to miss who he controls, then kill Hawx. Sorry m8
Easy:I use a ring(weddingring like ring)manipulate it.Then I say :"Concentrate on what you love...etc....etc....."Then I say:"Now go outside,go to a bar and drink the finest drink they have,enjoy it" All the while I'll use the ring to manipulate his thoughts so that he does what I tell him Then I say:"And at last go outside and run into a car"
Edited by LiamCDM: 7/4/2015 8:27:54 PMI guess I'm killing Lindur. Sorry man! I'll tie him to a chair and inject him with a antibiotic resistant superbug. I'll then leave him in the dark room for him to slowly deteriorate and finally die in a pool of his own shit and vomit after many days. Slow, methodical and creative!
I write everyone's name you love in the death note, till you reach the point you become so depressed you kill yourself.
T-bags you to oblivion then to death.
Sorry Jedi no hard feelings,Yes? *Stabs you with spear
I'd kill liam with kindness. Literally a knife with the word "kindess" on it.
Kills you with the power of prayer
Uses the force to make you force choke yourself
Force chokes
*kills you with fire traglofomorph sword that I stole from the king of all chainsaw lazer polar bears
Understrike Understriker888
I strike understriker from under so hard that he goes through reverse puberty. This stresses them out to an extreme and they have a heart attack and die.
I'll drown Optimus Exo with Diet Coke
I take a cup of boiling water throw it on wolfmother's head, but the head in the cup, put the cup in a blender, throw the blender in a volcanoes and nuke the volcano
There's no one below me. GG
Sit on deferian for a whole year