My brother and I both have the same ps4 registered as our "main" ps4. We ended up buying the previous two expansions on our different accounts but since we registered the same ps4 we can each play both expansions. But now we can't preorder the taken king with either of accounts even though we own both of the previous expansions. What do we do?
Since it's currently not known if buying the taken king on last gen will give you the next gen version for free.. I have a particular concern..Since I won't have ps4 until Christmas I plan on buying it on last gen in obviously I will have earned taken king gear weapons and the subclasses.. when I get ps4 would I literally be locked out of all my gear weapons and subclasses until I pay And to everyone who just says get ps4.. Issue is I can't get ps4 until Christmas. So either I basically don't play destiny from September to Christmas and get way behind all my friends or I pay twice when BOTH THE FULL GAME AND THE FIRST TWO EXPANSIONS WILL TRANSFER. And even worse I bet the dlc after taken king comes out in December like THE dark below bungie..way to screw over some customers and not give a single care or thought towards people like me.. so if I am correct here it's 40 dollars (taken king on ps3 since I won't have ps4 in til Christmas ) + 20 dollars for a potential expansion likely releases early December. + 40 dollars for taken king on ps4 when I get ps4 fkr Christmas + 20 dollars for my speculated December dlc on my ps4 = 120 dollars just because I won't have next gen until Christmas and I don't wanna fall so far behind.. 80 dollars if there isn't a December dlc.. so I guess I either spend 80 to 120 dollars or I don't play destiny for 4 months and fall so far behind and be so far out of THE loop but only have to spend 40 to 60 dollars.. gg bungie.. seem to have stopped caring about people in my situation all to be greedy..I bet Activision is also to blame here.. >:(