Whenever I get really focused in a game, my palms will begin to sweat like crazy; which, wasn't a problem when I was exclusively a PC player, as I would clean my keyboard daily. Though for the past year on the PS4, its becoming a hinderance as I can't grip the controller properly mid session, and the controller accessories end up being counter productive.
Both sets of controllers that I use (I rotate them out on a charging station) that have analogue caps to prevent my thumbs for slipping, and to cover up the gash on both left sticks from the sharp plastic base under the rubber; but, not only do I have to readjust my grip constantly, the analogue caps are now popping off constantly mid game.
If anyone else has issues like this, what do you use to ease out the console experience? Do you order custom controllers, use skins made of a certain material, replace controller features from rubber to metal? If so, what brand?
Edit1: I do clean the controllers too, as I have the tools to take apart the controller weekly to maintain everything but the shit rubber analogue sticks.
Edit2: Do things such as the silicone protective skins provide better grip? As I've never used one.
Edited by qoslsnsmqaaksk: 7/6/2015 10:38:18 PMI never clean my controller or take it apart. If I get sweaty, I wipe my controller on my shirt.
Fight through the pain
his memes are sweaty, memes weak, memes are heavy, there's memes on his sweater memes spaghetti
I use a microfibre cloth that I wax my car with,works a treat,hands feel like they could grip a jellyfish and strangle it to death
I just sweat more until my controller flies out of my hands and through the window
There are controllers out there with built in fans, but there not worth the hassle. Reviews on the product have turned out very poorly. The ol' wipe on the jeans/shorts move is a classic. I see you wash your hands and controller, and the problem is still there. So here is my advice, do what athletes do and get moisture absorbing powder. Buy some chalk and rub it on your hands and you'll be good to go for the long haul. Goldbond antisweat powder works too.
Jerk off provides great lube
I only feel bad/care about it when im sharing a controller with someone playing
I don't. I never sweat during gaming.
Drink lots of water I mean alot I haven't had that problem in a year or two
I wipe the controller down with my shirt before I start playing, and I just wipe my hands in my pants real quick about every 30 seconds when I'm playing. Not very effective though.
I dont get sweaty hands the webbed skin between my fingers start to itch
I continuously wipe my hands off and put them in front of a fan/air conditioner to try to get it to stop, the struggle.
There is a product called gamer grip, it's great stuff dries up your hands a little and prevents sweating.
>palms are sweaty >insert eminem reference here
I try to not be a swetty neckbeard who swets from their palms like some sorta swetty mouth breather.
I had this issue with my butt while playing destiny competitively
I use to get this a lot I would put my hands under cold water for a bit before my gaming session and then it stopped after a while [spoiler]might not work for you but just saying what worked for me :)[/spoiler]
I never notice or don't get it or something so can't help you there but wipe your hands on something or wash your hands
Whenever there's a break in the action I wipe them on my pants really quick
Hire servants to fan you while gaming
Edited by GamingChief1170: 7/6/2015 5:54:33 AMWear gloves[spoiler]i don't tho[/spoiler]
I just let my palms sweat
Squid Grips, $14.99 on Amazon I use on all controllers. http://www.amazon.com/SquidGrip-Xbox-One-Controllers/dp/B00HHJBG5A
By not being a filthy casual [spoiler]you filthy casual[/spoiler]
Just wipe it on my pants every once and a while