This has been my 96th suicide, I commit it almost every day. Whenever I am told to kill my self or (kys) I commit suicide. Now you may wonder if I have failed all of these attempts, you would be wrong. Almost all of my suicide attempts have been very successful and I just wanted to let you all know this.
[spoiler]this is a shitpost[/spoiler]
Edit(s) *thanks to Optimus Exo the number is now 97
*Deckin her halls made it 98
*Jeren Ward made it 99
*JGFSS333 has made me kill my self 100 times
*Deadkittenpie(kys with that capitaization bs) has just made it 101
*MrMeister thnx for telling me to kill myself 102
(From this point on I am taking requests on how you would like me to kill myself)
*Minimum Fiend made it 104, thnx guis
*tuckers baby officially makes it 105
*Bretzky makes it 106 but I have no style points so sry bud
*failed attempt thanks to k1tty head
*107 because of YUtubeMadGamer
*108, I took a toast bath cause of The Josh
*109, I fell of an edge as instructed by Kepp
Edited by Shortbusregular: 7/5/2015 1:35:00 AMHere's what you do. Take nitroglycerin, mix it with some flour and chunks of bananas, wrap it in tin foil and microwave it for 20 minutes on the highest power. Make sure your face is pressed up against the window of the microwave though, otherwise your banana cookies won't turn out well.