Are these guesses or just thoughts?
Both, I guess? I notice most people guessing are just throwing answers around without attempting to back them up, so I'm guessing while trying to eliminate trains of thought so repeated guesses can be eliminated.
Yeah I see where you're coming from. It's really cool to know that you're really putting thought into it rather than just pulling random guesses out of nowhere. We'll probably put a "Common Incorrect Answers" thing if we need to.
The only problem is " I used to provide freedom" I just can't get past that
Ya my final vote has to be Toland the shattered. He was good but was banished from The Last City for communing with the darkness.
Sorry that's incorrect
Ir Yut maybe? aparently Toland was obsessed with her, and her ability to sing the LIturgy of Ruin without dying herself.
maybe eric's mom. not sure..
Eric's Mom????? lol
Haha that's what I call her. Read it in a post once and now I can't unsee it when I read her name at the tower.
Oh ok I thought it was the madness called autocorrect
*Eris Morn
string of curses points towards bad juju or the warlock that created it. still pondering..