This has been my 96th suicide, I commit it almost every day. Whenever I am told to kill my self or (kys) I commit suicide. Now you may wonder if I have failed all of these attempts, you would be wrong. Almost all of my suicide attempts have been very successful and I just wanted to let you all know this.
[spoiler]this is a shitpost[/spoiler]
Edit(s) *thanks to Optimus Exo the number is now 97
*Deckin her halls made it 98
*Jeren Ward made it 99
*JGFSS333 has made me kill my self 100 times
*Deadkittenpie(kys with that capitaization bs) has just made it 101
*MrMeister thnx for telling me to kill myself 102
(From this point on I am taking requests on how you would like me to kill myself)
*Minimum Fiend made it 104, thnx guis
*tuckers baby officially makes it 105
*Bretzky makes it 106 but I have no style points so sry bud
*failed attempt thanks to k1tty head
*107 because of YUtubeMadGamer
*108, I took a toast bath cause of The Josh
*109, I fell of an edge as instructed by Kepp
Save yourself