Am I only the person who doesnt think Thorn, TLW, and Shoulder Charge are overpowered? Everyone makes a big deal out of them so more people use them. Auto Rifles suck yet I can match 75% of Thorns and TLWs with a 307 Hard Light on Iron Banner. Stop nerfing things. Buff auto rifles very slightly to match them with the other weapons. Thorn is a 2 shot? Move left, the users arent accurate. I could make an entire post on how to counter everything and I barely play crucible.
I know this post is a little old but they did this to auto rifles and thought "hmmmm lets see if auto rifles are op, oh wait to many people use it ok time for a nerf" it's just overused and people think it's an easy to use thing for beginners. The first weapon in the game is and auto rifle and it's op in crucible somehow.