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7/5/2015 7:57:16 AM
...Huh? 1) Don't get me wrong, its great that you actually responded to the points I was making, but you're really off base about the numbers and finances. $500 million was given to Bungie. Period. This was all for the initial launch title, and the majority of it went into development with a third dumped into marketing, because Activision. Second, whats on one console versus what is on another makes no actual difference. You actually stand to gain MORE from going cross console and that includes Last Gen and Next Gen as well. Activision made a killing because its gross profit margin for Destiny was from across the board, the numbers being an accumulation of sales for ALL consoles (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4). They also didn't have to scale anything back, nor did it cost them any additional because they had a crap ton of funding poured into them after the fact by Sony and their backroom deal with Activision (Hence all the Sony Exclusives). 2) Actually, Alpha and Beta tests easily indicated how quickly players could and would progress through the levels. Destiny is not an RPG, its an MMOFPS that had a level system built into it which greatly revolves around gear, aka "Light Level". That was all planned from the get go. I also don't agree that the game has actually become "better" aside from there just being a few more things to do. Dark Below gave us a Raid and a Strike. House of Wolves gave us Trials of Osiris, Prison of Elders and a few more Story Missions. And this was for a combined price of $40 which is what they value TTK at, hence why you see so many people being skeptical about it. Likewise, on that subject, that also explains why people have been demanding a price cut for TTK. Because if Bungie is claiming that TTK's content is greater than the vanilla base game, Dark Below AND House of Wolves combined? Then that is literally them admitting to everyone that the community was greatly overcharged for both DLCs. THAT is the reason you see so much hate regarding the price tag. Another thing to point out in regards to why I disagree about the game being better now, is that the world events/activities such the Hive Swordbearers invading Earth and, following the launch of TTK, the Wolf Packs appearing on Earth, Moon and Venus are just gone. The Hive stuff is already gone. They plan on doing this each and every time a new DLC/Expansion/Whatever they want to cal them gets released. Which is beyond moronic. I am of the solid opinion that MORE is BETTER. There is zero reason to replace those events in the open world. I happen to greatly enjoy going along to my objective on Earth and suddenly read the message "Wolf Pack is Prowling" and then go off to waste the suckers. I was annoyed to see that the Hive stuff was gone, though. And for why? What possible reason could there be? No one knows how many Swordbearers are on Earth. No one knows how many House of Wolves there are lurking around out there. From a writer's perspective, there is PLENTY of justification to continue running those events. And they are generated randomly by the server, meaning its not taxing the system or network in the slightest. Seriously, the only thing that it means to keep all those events going is that you get far more diversity in the open world environment and less repetitive action. That to me sounds like a no brainer, common sense. And yet no, just gone. And the same will happen with the Taken Army from TTK as well once the next DLC hits, because Bungie-Logic, apparently. And yes, they did actually confirm their intention to do this, each and every time. And the ONLY way to stop them from doing crap like that is to unify the community and throw the breaks on it and DEMAND that they stop screwing shit up like that. 3) For the record, I'm not saying I want Destiny to be Halo. That's impossible. The whole point of this thread, however, was to draw the comparison in "game/story quality" between the two. Because Halo is a franchise that Bungie did BEFORE Destiny. So Halo itself has become a testament to what the company is capable of and in fact, Bungie themselves are known to brag about it. But when you compare the number of options, level/mission design, overall story and immersion aspect of Halo to Destiny? Destiny is hands down a massive disappointment and a waste of potential for what COULD have been originally. Example. Did you know that the enemy drop ships you see in the game were originally capable of being destroyed? Yes, if you had enough people slamming them with Rocket Launchers, you could waste them before they were able to deploy the soldiers within. That's actually the reason, if you ever manage to hit it right, you can see them suckers actually have their own health bar. There are plenty of other things missing from the game still that continue to prove this point as well. Now, as far as the PvP goes? It is actually based on Halo. Bungie recycled their infrastructure from the Halo series and re-purposed it for Destiny's Crucible. And by Infrastructure I mean the Combat Mechanics, Physics Engine, TTK (Time To Kill) Values, etc. That's something they actually got right, they figured if its not broke, why fix it. So yeah, that's why the gameplay comes so natural to Halo players, and that actually goes for the general PvE in the game too. The PvP is also NOTHING like COD (FYI, I hate that whole franchise, with the exception of Titanfall). The guns aren't even comparable, either. Again, all the combat mechanics, including weapon stats and handling were all taken from the Halo series. A Shotgun is Destiny plays and feels exactly the same as a Shotgun in Halo. Seriously. Same goes for Sniper Rifles. Rocket Launchers feel different, but you can see the bits of it that were recycled from Halo as well. The rest of the weapons are more unique, but still obviously follow along the same premise that Bungie has been using for years. COD players will never get a COD experience playing Destiny, that just won't happen. I don't think people are "toxic", either. I don't really agree that they need to be removed, either. I mean, I don't even feel that way about the few number of trolls that managed to find their way to this thread, which you can see if you scroll through. Trolls and just everywhere. However, I don't equate people demanding Nerfs/Buffs for weapons to mean they are bad people or bad for the community. In most cases, they are just feeling pissed off. I can understand and respect that, because I know we have all been there. Personally? I don't like the idea of nerfing things because once you start nerfing, the nerfs just keep on happening until the game is turned to utter crap. I WILL, however, agree with others that I think whatever changes they make to weapons in PvP needs to NOT cross over into the PvE. Like at all. Case in point, there was no reason for them to hit Auto Rifles as hard as they did, and even LESS reason to mess with them for PvE. 4) I'm not decided on TTK one way or another. As you have previously pointed out, no one knows anything about what is actually going to be in it, so I can't really judge it until the thing hits and there are reviews for it. However, no amount of content will suffice if they do not allow me to continue ascending my old weapons and armor. They could add 1,000 Legendary items and 500 Exotics for all I care. The decision to "trade out" old stuff for new should be my choice, not something that is forced upon me. That is going to be the grand, ultimate deciding factor for me with TTK, along with MANY many others... We already quit the game once when Dark Below did it. This time we haven't already spent our money on this, so there is even less reason for us to care about it if they end up repeating their same mistakes again. Because really, 10 year contract is great and all, but this series is quickly becoming more costly than some of the most top notch MMORPGs out there that have way more going for them. I think that mostly stems from, again, the fact that they overcharged everyone for Dark Below and House of Wolves. If they had just given people those two for free from the start, none of this would even be an issue for folks. I can promise that, even. Anyways, yeah. Nice chatting with ya, here's hoping Bungie actually reads all this feedback everyone has been giving them and run with it for the sake of improving the game and making it what we all know its fully capable of becoming. Cheers~

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