Destiny forums in a nutshell:
1. Nerf Thorn
2. Buff Autos
3. Datto is the worst YouTuber
4. Giving away Red bull and Blacksmith codes.
5. Iron Banner sucks
6. Datto is the best YouTuber
7. Nerf handcannons
8. Taken King is overpriced in the UK
9. Trials flawless is too difficult
10. Nerf Thorn DoT and Last Word bonus damage
11. Bungie are greedy ducks
12. Quitting posts
13. Even more weapon balance posts
14. AMA posts
15. Bring positivity into #Destiny
16. Played 9999+ hours no Gjallarhorn
I'm out
Hey, he'll nah would any of us ducks let people like BUNGIE into our pond
You also forgot git gud scrub posts
Off topic In a nutshell: 1. AMA 2.halo bandwagons 3. Shitposts 4.destiny hate 5.selfie threads
You missed posts about Politics, Religion, and Feminism. Although those fall into Shitposts sort of.
You forgot religious posts
Hello, this is dangerously close to a DESTICLE post. If you do not relent, I will have to submit the link to this post to the Lenny Sovereignty. Trust me, you don't want that.
Suck my dick
Edited by Wraithlegend: 7/22/2015 11:41:20 PMYou missed number 17. Played 10 mins and got a gjallahorn AMA.
That's why we're here, in #offtopic
We're safe here you guys... They can't get us in #Offtopic...
Don't forget shesmynerd posts! Lol.
How can I forget those? Lol
Ive seen 1 datto post
I've seen a couple. Community is really divided when it comes to Datto.
In what way? He's great in my opinion
This was ages ago but I saw one post saying what a -blam!-ing elitist he is and way over his head that he thought Bungie stole his raid idea, etc etc. Then same day I saw another post of a guy who said how much respect he has for Datto when he does his crazy challenges etc etc.
Kl I see that happening thanks for the insight
Edited by Triv: 7/6/2015 7:45:00 PMI can't wrap my head around why.