Yes, be so damn edgy that you can slice someone in half with that edge!
Feminism is stupid.
Recon is a pegboi
I play The Exorcist theme during funerals!
Feminists are the result of Hitlers abortions...
Hitler did nothing bad
Shadow The Hedgehog Chain Wallets Green Day
Went to without parent's permission
I'm 13 and I like the song
Benedict Cumberpatch has a weird face
Nutella is so nasty...
Kill yourself [spoiler]The most generically edgy thing you can say[/spoiler]
You're all glubbers. You smell like poop. And I don't like you. HAH. [spoiler]pls there's no need to cry, I'm joking.[/spoiler]
-blam!- gay people
Muslims are all terrorists and any bad Christian is not a real Christian. Also, we should exterminate the Jews. Here's the kicker: [spoiler]Women don't have rights.[/spoiler]
I think Destiny is the best game ever, and if you don't kill yourself.
Game of thrones sucks
No [spoiler]the edge[/spoiler]
This thread is rustling my jimmies.
Allahu Akbar
Gay people are a cancer to the earth. Not only are they f*cking disgusting, but if you don't accept them they sue you like those little bitches in primary school would tattle. Bunch of idiots. Not lying. Most gay people don't deserve the right to breathe air.
I'm so edgy that I once accidentally cut a piece of myself off (while cutting up ghost chillies) and that piece grew into The Edge from U2. I've been tempted to do it again but I'm not that kind of power and responsibility shouldn't be taken lightly.
U r an banana
I love nаzis, they should have won World War 2. #inb4ban #plznoban #iblameKepp
My name is CrazyLincoln