If you're gonna make such wild claims, you should probably finish tenth grade English class first. Weekly updates require the punctuation and nomenclature of a grown-up.
Edited by Calebcsimmons: 7/5/2015 1:04:30 PMAren't nomenclatures chemistry? O.o
No. Google harder.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nomenclature Yup. A way to organize things, usually In a scientific manner, referring to the compounds in chemistry. Of course, I assume nomenclature could apply to a lot of other things
Pretty sure they are, I took chemistry last semester so.. Maybe there is also an English nomenclature
There is. Trust me I suffered through the mind numbing greatness that was Shirley English in school.
But DeeJ makes the weekly updates.
He's a grown-up. I checked.
Are you sure?
No. He could be a seventeen year old girl named Susan in a middle-aged Deej suit complete with kung fu grip and five o'clock shadow.
Edited by LynxD3stiny: 7/5/2015 1:01:36 PMWell I'm pretty sure his balls have dropped, u still squeaking ABYZ?
Not really, no