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Edited by McHarmonies: 7/8/2015 2:59:03 PM

For the story inclined of us, are you satisfied with the promises for better story and characters in TTK?

For those of us who feel the storyline and plot of Destiny fell miserably short of their expectations, are you satisfied with the current press releases pertaining to the overhauled method and delivery of the new story? If so, why? If not, why not? This is being billed as a full on expansion, not just DLC. How many new missions do you feel there should be? Finally, were you satisfied with the cast of characters from the original game(launch. DLC can be discussed here as well though)? Or maybe you feel like the story doesn't matter. Feel free to comment on that as well. Thanks for your time. Just curious on the community's feelings about the story.

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  • This game has the worst in game delivered story I've possibly ever seen. And I've played Leisure Suit Larry. HoW was just bad and forgettable story wise. I won't believe they know how to tell a story until I see it. I though CoD story was bad until I slaw this story.

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    2 Replies
    • I this at this point it's kind of hopeless to save the story. It might get a little better but I don't think it'll ever be the way we wanted it to be. I've just said "whatever" & I'm satisfied with looking to the grimoire for story. I also love the lore lol there's some deep shit in there. It's sad that none of this was in the game because Bungie can really make some awesome cinematics. I wonder if anyone even remembers who the Traveler is? The Exo Stranger? It's been sooo long since they've appeared in the game.

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      2 Replies
      • I'm starting to wonder who is left at Bungie that was in on the staples of Halo like -story -music -variety of size maps for PVP -vehicles -forge -theater mode -game types/playlist management

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        2 Replies
        • I'm hopeful, but if this was a poker game and TTK was my hand, I wouldn't be going all in. They already lied to us for the vanilla game. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

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          • Here's my ideas as to where the story could be leading after "The Taken King" DLC 3 DLC 4

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            • Bungie never promises, we all have learned that with HoW

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              • The "story" is defending your ghost more and hearing more exposition that won't be mentioned again

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                • My whole disappointment is they didn't make my character feel like they mattered. You pick a race when you make a character and yet the game starts the same way regardless of race. (I heard there was going to be different story lines). I had an awoken titan when I first started playing. Met the queen. She made no mention of the fact that I am am awoken. Lolwut. From what I've heard and read the story for Destiny seems quite intricate. It's sad that it didn't happen how it probably should have. I hope that TTK explains things more and has better story missions.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Step 1) Create a Grimoire hub in game and have some decent voice actors read them. Step 2) Don't use Grimoire as a substitute for a story in all future Destiny content. You can add some, but it better be supplemental rather than substitutional. Step 3) Create actual cinematic events and interactions with NPCs and the game world. Doll them up real nice a pretty like too. Get the voice acting and splicing right as well, so that character conversation doesn't sound like it's taking place from 20 different recording sessions.

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                    2 Replies
                    • The story in the grimoire is -blam!-ing amazing. I wish half of it was in game

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                      • I feel like fukin punchin the shit out of the bungie employee(s) that thought teamin with activision was a good idea

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                        • House of Wolves made me believe that Bungie understood that we wanted more story. If they can continue to improve I'll stay happy, but if the Taken King is a return the incredibly lean days of TDB or even Vanilla Destiny I'll have to revise my opinion

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                          • I don't play destiny or FPS for there immersive story lines it's essentially go there shoot that. If I'm looking for a great story driven game I put in a RPG to play.

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                            2 Replies
                            • I love Destiny but even I'll be the first to admit it's not perfect. The lore is great, but it's not presented very well. I think I heard somewhere the cut scenes will have some interaction between characters. I'm hoping for Halo like cut scenes, but we'll see.

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                            • I better have a story I understand as well as an epic cutscene at the start or end of a mission.

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                              • Unfortunately Bungivision wouldn't know a story if it ran up & punched them squarely in the face! As was proven when they announced "the groundbreaking epic story"of vanilla. I will never ever listen to the hype again! Also having been a gamer since the early 80s really not liking this new business model of full priced,half arsed, broken games that "we'll fix later" for a price ofc

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                                5 Replies
                                • My problem with Destiny's story is that so many things weren't explained. I want [i]that[/i] story to be expanded [b]before[/b] we start looking at other villains. It feels like they're just trying to keep us distracted until they release a sequel. Me: “Hey Bungie! How long have we been dead?? What actually happened to the Traveler, how can I just be resurrected innumerable times??” Bungie: “Did you hear about Crota?? He's waking up!!” Me: “Um... Okay... So what about this Exo Stranger? Who is she?? Where did she come from? How does she—” Bungie: “Dude, the House of Wolves have betrayed the Queen! You need to hunt down their traitorous Kell, Skolas. Now.” Me: “.... That's cool and all but I still don't understand some Vanilla things? Like what was the Heart of the Black Garden? Why was I doing what I was doing in the Vault of Glass? How come I never—” Bungie: “ENOUGH. ORYX HAS ARIVED. GO TAKE HIS HEAD” Me: “.......... I DON'T GIVE TWO ABOUT ANY OF THESE RANDOM BOSSES, UNTIL I GET SOME CLOSURE ON THE MAIN STORY” Bungie: “Sorry bro, you're gonna have to wait for the sequel. Go read some Grimoire cards.”

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                                  10 Replies
                                  • Hahahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahaha no... Let's recap vanilla destiny -Shoot shit with minimal exposition -we resurrected a war mind and assassinated vips of all our enemies... and nothing happened -I still have no clue what we were doing in vog I thought we already killed a vex god?? Crota end -no cut scenes -no dinkle bot -idk why crota awoke (did we wake up the hive on the moon?? NO they were on earth before that) wired +but hey at least that story kinda made sense HoW -why did skolas escape?? TO THE GRIMROIR -kinda a story?? But I still didn't give a shit... -no cut scenes -why are we executing a bunch of the Queens prisoners??? -better yet why did she take them in the first place?? -still no cut scenes -still no dinkle bot In short yea ttk story may be better but the fact it's taking them a year to realize we actually want a good story is just sad!! Seriously cod has better stories and NOBODY buys those games for the story lol.

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                                    6 Replies
                                    • I don't trust anything bungie says. They bullshitted this whole game. Even Poe has none of the replay ability and variety they claimed. Until I see it whatever bungie says is bullshit to me

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • To answer the OP: 1) Storyline/Plot - I look at this in both a pessimistic and optimistic view. The optimist in me hopes that the way the story is told feels natural and done in a progressive manner in such a way that it helps answer questions about the Universe we're in. The original "story" and all of the grimoire tell a story, but I'm not sure it tells it well at all. The pessimist in me sees this as a potential failure given the current track record in story telling past. However, I'm more optimist than pessimist and I hope that the way the story is delivered that it will help answer questions we've all sought answers to. 2) Missions - Original game had 20 story missions. There were only 7 story missions between the last two DLCs. I'm hoping for a minimum of 10 new story missions for TTK. 3) Cast of Characters - There was nothing that stood out to me about any of the characters except the Stranger since she was integral to what was going on; Eris who was the same for her part (and her fanatical ideals); Petra for her guidance. However, NONE of them gave us anything other than more questions. A lot more "why" questions stemming from things they have said. 4) Story - I've read all the grimoire I could. I've read dialogues from the game and tried to weave what understanding I could from it. There is a story there. Connecting the dots in your own brain though, leads to assumptions. Those assumptions, regardless if they are right or not, can only live in my mind as to how I see the story unfolding. So in a nutshell, I'm satisfied with my understanding of the story they have given us, but not satisfied with it because of all of the questions that it has left me with. /soap box I like the game. It's visceral enough to keep me happy shooting things that are shooting back at me. I have taken breaks when I felt the need to, and come back when I felt the need to. I will be buying the new DLC. I'll play it. I'll put the game on the shelf when I've done "everything" I want to do, and play other games when I don't want to be here. /soap box OMY

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                                        5 Replies
                                        • This is why I haven't bought taken king yet. I want to see if bungie is going to deliver this game like it should have been. They should take some pages from bioware and develop the game like mass effect. Or like SWTOR where players can converse with npcs

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                                          • Edited by durandal40: 7/8/2015 3:12:23 PM
                                            ......simply put, if they do not deliver on the substance of what they discussed then they will need to start working on next project.....Destiny 3: The search for Spock......and employment.

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                                          • I have to say (and I'm a harsh critic) that what they're advertising is interesting. Not entirely interesting but it shows promise. If it's more story than the original game and packaged together like a AAA title SHOULD be (as in one continuous mission with replays set for later) then it might be worth playing. But the way Vanilla was delivered was absolute shit. Go to earth. Kill shit. Finish mission. Back to orbit. Go to earth. Start at same place as last mission. Run to place you past in last mission. Now get sparrow. Kill shit. Finish mission. Back to orbit. Back to earth. Kill shit. Rinse and repeat. No thank you.

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                                            7 Replies
                                            • What's a story? Is it the thing I read on my phone after I've found dead ghosts?

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                                              3 Replies
                                              • I actually like what little story I've mined from grimoire and lore posts/theories, just wish delivery was more efficient. I will try to be patient as this thing unfolds and then make my decision.

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                                                • I wish the story wasn't hidden in the grimoire n

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