Comment below if you are interested in helping or being helped in the Trials of Osiris.
34 Titan thorn felwinrers final round spear
34 hunter have been flawless this week just doing it for help and looking to help, msg gt above for inv need two
32 hunter | invite me | ToneLoke94
Looking to join a group for 9-0 gt TSLxC4uTii0N
plz help me go flawless been playing foe 8 hours went 8-0 twice inv me on xbox one plz help
34 warlock max thorn who wants to give it a shot
Need 2 34s who have been flawless and know what they are doing message RippingBike1688
34 titan looking for a good team for trials, just invite...
Inv RaStA RAMPAG3 for flawless run never been but I have the skill
Need 2 for flawless run must have gone flawless multiple times and know what you are doing msg gt above for invite
I'm not very good at PvP but would really like to make it to the lighthouse. If there are 2 people out there that think they are up for the challenge in taking me 9-0 invite me please. Also I am level 34 on all characters and have all max weapons. Thorn, red death, ect. Platform-xbox1 Gamertag-Outdionysus3278
34 Hunter Gone flawless 2 times this week Looking for group of flawless players Gt same as above
34 warlock Maxed weapons Same name as above Xbox one
Need 1 34 for Trials don't NEED flawless, but it would be good Gt: Cool Rick3
Looking for a flawless team I'm 34 Hunter max weapons very plz send invite to vashh strife
Lvl 34 hunter looking to go flawless Have the emblem already will be my third flawless but first on my hunter Max thorn max verdict max adept messenger Gt: Highass ninja
Lvl 34 hunter Looking for trials team GT: iMELTEDu
Need 2 level 34s that have gone flawless Message XxSGT SHOTGUNxX for invite
I need help going flawless so I need 2 good people that can help me gt is above
Need 1 for flawless message gmata4124
34 titan looking for a good team for trials, just invite...
34 hunter Flawless multiple time 1.86 kd trails Sniper Gt evansdanny
Looking for a flawless team I'm 34 Hunter max weapons very plz send invite to vashh strife
Looking for a flawless team I'm 34 Hunter max weapons very plz send invite to vashh strife
Need 1 more for trials 2 very experienced players send TheTrickster999 for an invite
Lvl 34 Hunter blade dancer Running max thorn or tlw, her courtesy,hunger, quick revives Looking for team No mic atm but I could hear Gt same as above Inv me