Should've made an "other" section since I don't know ALL the cool kids... sorry boyzzzzz
Edited by Legend To None: 7/5/2015 11:10:57 PMThese are all shit. Is this the 2016 presidential election?[spoiler]Needs more DE4THINC4RN4TE and is iambored running in the race this year?[/spoiler]
Where is Longface?
Why not me?
Recon, Cortana V, a meme or two, and the current popular people who didn't exist a month or two ago and won't exist in another month or two. Yup, that's a Flood popularity poll if I've ever seen one. [spoiler]Needs moar DE4THINC4RN4TE.[/spoiler]
>Implying anyone here even remembers Cortana V
These leader threads are getting really sad.
Edited by Mojo1965: 7/5/2015 9:32:27 PMI don't know either of the first two people. ...And Cortana works for Bungie. She's around.
Well I guess even if you make someone a fgt, they still pick recon. God dammit.
2% Really feeling the love
Edited by My Spotless Mind: 7/5/2015 9:25:55 PMY'all forgot me [spoiler]Ban lemongrab though[/spoiler]
[quote]..…..|::::::::,-': : : : : : : : - -~''''¯¯''-„: : : : : :\ ……..|::::::::|: : : : : : : : : _„„--~'''''~-„: : : : : '| ……..'|:::::::,': : : : : : :_„„-: : : : : : : : ~--„_: |' ………|::::::|: : : „--~~'''~~''''''''-„…_..„~''''''''''''¯¯| ………|:::::,':_„„-|: : :_„---~: : :|''¯¯''''|: ~---„_: | …….. ,~-,_/'': : : |: _ o__): : |: : : :|_o__): \.. | ……../,'-,: : : : : ''-,_______,-'': : : : ''-„______\ ……..\: :|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :„: : : : :-,: : : : : :\ ………',:': : : : : : : : : : : : :,-'__: : : :_',: : : : ,' ……….'-,-': : : : : :___„-: : :'': : ¯''~~'': ': : ~--| ………….|: ,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :| ………….'|: \: : : : : : : : -,„_„„-~~--~--„_: : : | …………..|: \: : : : : : : : : : : :-------~: : : : : | I tell ya hwat, you just got visited by the friendly propane man If you don't post this in 5 comment section you'll suffer pro-pain[/quote]
[quote]bump me pl0x let's get this shit trending[/quote]
Lot o fire giants in here
Me, obviously. Im hitler ffs
The flood has no ruler.
Edited by LordStilton07: 7/5/2015 9:08:48 PMThe other option: Recon, also OP is a desticle.
So I just edited it and not sure if I broke the poll... Can someone tell me if I did
Now this is a poll I can get with
Fairest poll is fairest