You must kill the person below you, but here's the catch. You must do it creatively.
ooFREELANCERoo.. I'm going to buddy you up, become great friends, and chill out with you. Wlonce were all good, and set, I'm going to take you on a vacation trip with your wife/husband, and we're doing to go on a helicopter ride. I'm going to tell the pilot to hover, and I'm going to tell you guys to look over the edge of the chopper, and while your wife/husband is leaning over, I'm going to slice their neck and push them bleeding from the aircraft into the concrete below, and as your in shock at what I just did, I'm going to put a custom made mask around your head, lock it in place, tie a chain to it, and push you out. What does the mask do, you ask? The part I tie the rope to is a piston that will trigger at the end of the drop, sending razor blades into your neck. The piston also pulls the pins to three .22 caliber hand gun rounds that are placed just so they'll enter your skull, collide mid shot, and ricochet throughout your brain, turning you into a vegitable. When I'm sure you've had enough, I'll drop you body into the streets one thousand feet below just to make sure you're gone.