Whenever I get really focused in a game, my palms will begin to sweat like crazy; which, wasn't a problem when I was exclusively a PC player, as I would clean my keyboard daily. Though for the past year on the PS4, its becoming a hinderance as I can't grip the controller properly mid session, and the controller accessories end up being counter productive.
Both sets of controllers that I use (I rotate them out on a charging station) that have analogue caps to prevent my thumbs for slipping, and to cover up the gash on both left sticks from the sharp plastic base under the rubber; but, not only do I have to readjust my grip constantly, the analogue caps are now popping off constantly mid game.
If anyone else has issues like this, what do you use to ease out the console experience? Do you order custom controllers, use skins made of a certain material, replace controller features from rubber to metal? If so, what brand?
Edit1: I do clean the controllers too, as I have the tools to take apart the controller weekly to maintain everything but the shit rubber analogue sticks.
Edit2: Do things such as the silicone protective skins provide better grip? As I've never used one.
>palms are sweaty >insert eminem reference here