I'm someone who gets on Destiny and plays almost every day, I've put plenty of time into Destiny, I love playing the strikes and raids, they have a lot of replayability, but PoE is simply not needed. To start, the rewards are absolute crap. A shitty queens weapon, some motes of light, possibly a strange coin, and a shitty weapon from Variks? Come on. And Prison of Elders itself is so boring and repetitive. I still have so much fun with Crota and VOG 7+ months after they came out, but I haven't even played PoE for over 3 weeks because it's boring and the rewards don't even make the grind worth it.
I need the etheric light to level my old gear that looks cool. All the new stuff (armor and guns) look terrible and have useless perks. PoE is repetitive and no fun at all. My friends don't play it, I am forced back to LFG to find people. If there is no matchmaking I will probabaly just give up.