All we want on Bungie Day 7/7 is DeeJ coming out discussing a patch about Weapon Re-Balancing to make every weapons in this game viable and relevant again in both PvP and PvE. (It doesn't have to come in effect right away but near future)
#Not Butthurt
#Not Salty
Vote and bump to show DeeJ what we really wants and what the game really needs!
Edit 1: The title is a click-bait ;) I posted this poll to ask for your opinion, i am not trying to speak for you guys. IF you guys really want the emblem, that's fair!
Edit 2: I got so many downvotes *cry in the corner of my mom's basement*
It must be annoying having to worry about getting cooler emblems all the time, knowing you can never get the coolest one... :^)
I would love a special snowflake emblem. :)
Mythic emblem > ghorn ! no emblem you must be a scrub !
what is this we shit? speak for yourself
#yesSalty and #yesButthurt
Emblem is a cool guy, don't be so mean to him.
I want the emblem
The people who make the emblems aren't the people who ballance weapons. Idiot.
Emblem looks pretty cool
Edited by Kinkled: 7/6/2015 6:41:35 PMDeej and bungie are pegboys
so many mythics... well I'll be over here with my exotic one I guess :/
I think everyone wants our Mythic Emblem.
I don't need no stinking emblems.
Mythic Emblem > All The Things
Edited by GarrisonWhite2: 7/6/2015 4:46:51 PMVault space is more important than weapon balancing.
I want my nfl team emblem!!!! Where is the option for other members to choose "A Saints emblem for that guy dookie?"
What we really need is more shotgun range
Someone didn't read the update fully I see
What emblem? Is that the one with the cat?
NO ONE needs a Bungie day emblem lol. God I hope they don't, but it just seems so obvious that they'll have an emblem or something silly for it.
This thread is now a Mythic circle jerk area. They may have taken our hats, but not our elitist attitude. lol
I want a customizable shader
Im more interested in 8/8 but thanks for the gr8 b8 m8
Hmmm buff necrochasom I have been grinding for husk for 3 days and would like to recieve a good gun at the end
Why not both?
I want mods to vanilla weapon balance removed.