Here's my idea for a story for the fourth DLC pack, it's a summary of course and theory.
[url=]Theory for DLC 3, leading into DLC 4[/url]
Destiny DLC IV - The Forge of Gods
Mars & Earth
Includes Cabal themed raid
Who would have thought a common enemy would have united us, brought us shoulder to shoulder on the front lines as an impenetrable Phalanx spoken of in history long forgotten?
For a single instant in time, we called them "Ally". We had bigger plans, however. Once they left Freehold, we had the perfect opportunity to reclaim our Golden City.
En masse, we sent Fireteam after Fireteam, eventually causing not just a weak point, but a break in the Cabal defenses. We took back what was rightfully ours.
However, the secret beneath the city was far beyond anything we had imagined.
The cabal were safe guarding a foundry. A foundry in which the very enemy we united to defeat were being forged, But for how long? Had it always been this way, even during our Golden Age?
The ones who held the entrance of "The Forge" were greeted with our greatest guardians, our greatest offense. When we took the foundry. The secrets within, they were much worse than the Cabal of which were guarding it.
Upon entering the forge, we found that a sect of the Cabal had been occupying the Forge for decades, perhaps longer. They sought to program the vex being forged there to perform acts of war for their own selfish gains.
In the heart of the forge, there, the Warmind, We found it. Charlemagne. Now corrupted, by by vengeance, The Cabal, The Vex, or it's own selfish endeavors?
We shall find out soon enough. Ready yourself guardian. May the ghost of Twilight Gap guide you, and may Rasputin further your knowledge of this ancient evil.
This is no easy task, guardian. But we must destroy the forge, or at least control it.
All I just want is better Cabal.