Every time I go 4 days without showering, my scratch my balls and they feel slimy. And then when I sniff my fingers they smell like nasty paint. Does anybody else have this problem?
Wait... Why does my paint smell like balls?
Do you have... Blue balls? *ba dum tss*
Did you try and teabag paint?
So you sniffed your fingers after you scratched you balls?
My balls smell like stale Fritos
I needed this to put a smile on my face today. Thank You
Looks like you don't needs any paint balls to go out......paint......gunning.......well, that went south real fast.
I have testicular retraction.
Umm better question why are u asking this on the Destiny companion app?
Don't shower for a week and they will hang unevenly Don't shower for a month and they will winkle Don't shower for a year and they will go back to smelling like paint
[quote]4 days without showering[/quote]Well there's your first problem
Did you paint them?
Your boyfriend probably uses odd smelling lipstick.
Uhhh.... Maybe, shower? Just a thought.
Because your balls are paint.
Why do you go 4 days without showering?
Maybe take a shower more frequently
The problem is that you're going 4 -blam!-ing days without showering
Edited by FireRills: 7/7/2015 7:22:31 AMare you into taint painting?
Have you tried Xbox.com?
Well maybe take a shower after you use your balls as a paintbrush
This post should be burned.
stop dipping them in purple paint for some raisin action
Try not painting and scratching your balls at the same time
Well too probably masters bate too much soo
4 days without a shower are you serious