Which religion is more peaceful: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism or other?
[b]Please let's keep it civilised, there's no need to start a volcanic eruption. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.[/b]
My opinion:
My vote goes for Jainism with buddhism laying [i]pretty[/i] close.
Jainism is by far one of the most peaceful religions on earth if not the most. Belonging to the Dharmic family of religions, it advocates for and is based upon the core tenets of peace and nonviolence. Their basic tenets are: nonviolence, vegetarianism, respect for nature, compassion, tolerance, karma, and reincarnation to name a few. While you might hear news stories of Islamic or Christian terrorists, a Jain terrorist is virtually unheard of.
[b]Buddhism: [/b]
Again, like I said, Buddhism is also an extremely peaceful religion. Also being a Dharmic religion, it is also the most tolerant and accepting as a recent study indicates that of all the religious groups in America (including atheists), Buddhists rank #1 in supporting gay marriage. I would have probably been up there tied with Jainism if not for particular groups such as Zen Buddhists, who have encouraged the kamikaze bombings or the Buddhists who have committed terrorist attacks in Burma and Thailand. However these incidents are more likely a result of social and political tensions as opposed to being a result of Buddhism alone. Buddhism also teaches of nonviolence and vegetarianism along with many other similarities shared with Jainism.
Generally regarded as the mother of all Dharmic religions, Hinduism, at its core, is essentially a peaceful religion. Essential teachings that exist in Buddhism and Jainism also appear in Hinduism such as nonviolence, Karma, Dharma, Reincarnation, religious pluralism, and the unity of all living creatures. It also encourages vegetarianism as even the most smallest of live is seen as sacred. Hinduism also holds that the masculine and feminine are two parts of the same whole and should be seen and treated as equal and indivisible. However, in recent years, interpretations of Hinduism have diverged from its holy and ancient roots and a very small minority of self proclaimed Hindus have formed organizations like the RSS, Abhinav Bharat, and other radical groups which foster intolerance and acts of violence. Yet still, despite these groups, the vast majority of Hindus still remain loyal to the notions of peace and nonviolence.
[b]Christianity, Judaism and Islam: [/b]
All being Abrahamic monotheistic religions, These religions, in their scriptures, have notions of religious exclusivity, which clearly the Dharmic religions do not share. Religious exclusivity in its basic sense, mean that their religions claim ultimate exclusivity to truth - and this can be dangerous at times and will ultimately lead to religious fundamentalism, fanaticism, extremism, and finally terrorism. A majority of religious global conflict in the history of humanity has been initiated by these religions. The scriptures of these religions, while having many beneficial and morally insightful sections, also has many morally unacceptable things such as insisting that animals were made for human entertainment or consumption or that their God would reward them in their afterlives for conducting violence in his name. To be fair, very few go by the literal interpretations of these texts and a vast majority are religious moderates who are mostly benign and peaceful people.
None. All religion is a lie in my eyes.
Christianity(I'm Christian)- Violent Past Islam- Seems violent and radical because of a few idiots. I have no idea about there past though. Since they are in the holy land, I'm assuming there was some violence. Buddhism-Non-Violent and peaceful as far as I know of
Why are people saying christianity?! Does no one here know about world history
Hinduism. Their core beliefs are to live indulgently and be happy.
I mean.. All these religions are basically based upon peace.. Just different interpretations.. History is kinda irrelevant, seeing as it has nothing to do with the actual religion and more to do with the people "following" that religion.
Most every religion has peace and good will to others at its core. It's just the fan clubs that "dun -blam!- it up" so really your just judging the religions based off past human activities.
Christianity is the least peaceful, fools!
You claim Christianity subliminally advocates the right of exclusivity, denying their religion to anyone who wants to enter the religion, but that is in every way false. In a phrase, and I quote Jesus Christ, "You shall LOVE the lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is like it: LOVE your neighbor as yourself." Have you even read the bible? Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple because they were disrupting the practice of gentile worship! He was enraged BECAUSE of this exclusivity you speak of. You look upon religions like Islam and Christianity and think only of the fanatics who took things way too seriously, not thinking for a second about the other 99% of all Christians and Muslims who believe in peace and non-violence! I completely acknowledge your opinion of Jainism or Buddhism being the most peaceful religion. That's fine! But when you start bashing MY religion to make YOURS look better, that were I draw the line.
20% said Christianity. People have not seen the past of them at all if they say that.
Edited by NutMeg: 7/11/2015 1:24:52 PMJainism are the ones that sweep the floor where they step to not step on bugs, right?
Buddhism isn't as peaceful as they are made out to be. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22356306
The people that say Christianity oh dear. They have come up with probably the worst ways to execute people
Edited by SkilPhil: 7/11/2015 10:12:03 AMThat's like asking which mass murderer is the friendliest.
I'd say Buddhism. I'm a Christian myself, but I know that there is violence in the Bible, and it certainly isn't the most peaceful religion.
They are all peaceful. It's people fighting for a faith that's the culprit.
I like how this poll is actually unbiased
Religion of Yarbey
Heh, Buddhism? Peaceful religion my ass
The one that drank the kool-aid. They don't bother anyone anymore.
How the fück can people vote Christianity as a peaceful religion... They must be fücking retarded
Well Christians had the Spanish Inquisition and Crusades so nope
Sikhism Look it up
Flying spaghetti monster?
The seeks are against any sort of violence Thats probably not how you spell "seeks" but oh well