Instead of level 20.
Edit. Ok, let's be honest. The emblem is a way to show that you have acomplished and succed at every challenge in Destiny. How a flawless card could be out of those requirements?
I'm not asking bungie to add it, I'm just saying it's odd lighthouse isn't there.
Edit2. I know there are a lot of people cheating at trials, but it's not as bad as some of you say. I have played quite enough and I only have played against 2-3 teams who were clearly cheating. The "op" (I call them cheap) weapons is a whole different matter, that's bungie's fault; but hey! It's not like only a few can use those weapons, everybody can, it's your own decision use them or not.
Edit3. I agree with those who say the emblem will be just a reward for people who have played all the end content, but if they are leaving trials out I think bungie should change some requirements, instead of killing Skolas, Atheon and Crota, it would be better if the requirement was only face them. For a lot people killing Skolas is as hard as getting a flawless passage.
ps If you disagree, you should say it without being rude or acting like a jerk.
Edit4. Everyone knows there's already an emblem for trials, but there are also emblems for killing crota and skolas... So, what's the point of that argument?
Maybe not the lighthouse but at least a completed trials passage. It should be that or skolas considering they are supposed to be the endgame for how
Yes you're right. Of the 250 trials matches I've played, only once i've found cheaters who got us kicked. Noobs complain about cheaters only because they can't get flawless
The emblem is supposed to be an honour to have but also attainable for most year 1 players and since the lighthouse is very hard to get to its not there. (The lighthouse is not that hard but think of you go u stopped 9 other teams going so the majority always ends up not going.
I totally agree with you sir!!!
Its probably because you already get an emblem for going flawless.
Eye of Osiris is proof that you have been to the Lighthouse :/
I think it should be on there. The lighthouse is the hardest thing in the game. PVE is so easy
Edited by Alias11: 7/8/2015 2:18:57 AMEh, flawless should not be required for this emblem. HOWEVER, there is a missed opportunity for more rewards like this in the game. Flawless raider should absolutely have an emblem reward, as should max grimoire. Other more minor accomplishments should be recognized too (like owning all exotics, getting 50k kills with a weapon type etc.)
Because not everyone can go flawless
Edited by Lv Wild One: 7/8/2015 2:59:32 AMFor those talking about those who cheat in trials, what about the cheating raiders, those people who had to knock atheon off the edge to kill him, lag switch crota to stay on a knee, self res and snipe across at the brigde. Almost every section of every raid has been cheated.
To me it seems to be a PvE specific emblem. You play the story to reach lvl 20 and unlock raid I believe. Beat the raid then beat it on Hard. You play Dark Below story to unlock raid. You play the raid then beat it on Hard. You play HoW story to unlock PoE. 100 crucible matches to finish an exotic bounty. It's basically playing to unlock everything in the game. Trials of Osiris is a special exclusion because unlike those other requirements Trials doesn't work with the weekly reset while everything else does. To me the emblem makes perfect sense. The golden chests just add to the Patrol experience which has daily events, bounties, swords of crota and prowling wolves. To say you got all the golden chest probably means you explored every area in Patrol and witnessed all the events that occur on each planet.
I understand how people could think it's a good idea to include it, but Trials is supposed to be "the best of the best" (even if there's a significant amount of cheaters) and excluding what is possibly a huge amount of year one players just because they don't have a certain K/D ratio or interest in Crucible isn't a good idea. This goes w/ those saying Flawless Raider as well. The whole point of the triumphs is that you've done a significant amount, not that you're any decent at it (the HM raid completions themselves don't even mean full raid, just boss checkpoint which is what the game classes as completion). Especially since something like that just seems like elitist players going "I want more because I spend so many hours on this I'm[i] worthy [/i]and other people [i]aren't[/i]" (Not saying you're like this but a huge amount are on these forums).
You realize the majority of people wouldn't get the emblem, and besides, its clearly an idiotic move to cut over 50% of your community from some content.
Not everyone plays crucible religiously enough to get to the lighthouse.
I think Trials of Osiris and Lighthouse count as 'Crucible'. 100 wins in the Crucible is a broad term, since there are quite a few modes. Otherwise Iron Banner Rank 5 should be there too
Agreed. None of the required accomplishments are really hard to get. This emblem is extremely easy to get as it stands. If they really want it to mean something, they should include flawless Trials and Flawless Raider.
This is complete crap. They should make gjallarhorn a requirement or only completing hard raid with melee attacks. #satire #calmness #nerfeverything
There already is an emblem for that achievement. This emblem is for completing a whole host of things, not just one event.
Being amazing at PvP =\= Day one. I have done EVERYTHING in Destiny except Lighthouse.
Or instead of a required thing for the Laurea Prima emblem, there should be a second emblem with everything the first one has but lighthouse added as well
I wouldn't say the lighthouse. I think atleast 2 34s should he required instead of level 20. Because you can do that in a day if you want.
What about not being flawless only finish your trials passage with 9 wins ? Because there js no reward for the 9th win losses and with that not many people would complain.
Its a 1 year vet award who has a broad experience of the game, not an elite reward for one facet of the game that maybe 1% of players will ever get.