originally posted in:Devize Sigma
One of our members had a very cool idea for our YouTube channel...
We are going to create a "Top 10 Snipes" video, which will be voted upon by our clan-mates. The dead line for getting me your clips is going to be on reset day on 8/25. We will then get the videos posted on YouTube, and we will setup a Poll on the bungie forum to vote on our favorites.
Rules are simple:
1. Don't miss the deadline. No submissions will be accepted past August 25th .
2. Single shots only. No Multi-Shot/Multi-Kills. These clips will be disqualified. One round clips only. Bring your A-game.
Post below for Those who will be entered.
1. Skizz - Clip Received
2. Red Pigsz - Clip Received
3. TopxDogg - Clip Received
4. Sev
5. Coby - Clip Received
6. Mugnet - Clip Received
7. DeathsAssassin - Clip Received
8. Aschloch - Clip Received
9. Max - Clip Received
10. Quiashi
Email me your clips: DevizeXB1@gmail.com
I sent you my clip but I'll try again
You guys want to use UPLOAD to access your videos (On your Xbox > Apps) And to send the video clip to me, you must save the video and there is a checkbox option called "Save to OneDrive". Make sure you select the save to OneDrive option. Then you can use OneDrive to share clips with me via email. There's a few options/ways to share the video with me, [b]JUST MAKE SURE YOU SHARE IT WITH THE OPTION TO ALLOW ME TO EDIT THE CLIP[/b] otherwise I cannot save the video to my laptop, and therefore will be unable to include your video in the YouTube montage.
How do I post it
I will give it a shot. I think I have a good one. Sign me up. Thank you.
Sent you mine....
put me in :D ill summit me first sniper kill ever in pvp :D
I'm in. I put a couple in my montage.
Put me in. I think I might have one clip.
I'm in
Enter me bro, I think I may be reusing one from the recent video though ;)
TOPxDOGG I'll give it a shot! ;)