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Okay, so a while back some of you were wondering about the Explorer API, and we told you to sit tight as it was a work in progress. Today we've finally released the official V1 of the API, and with it we've modified how it works a bit.
When you grab the latest manifest, you'll see a new set of "ItemCategories" definitions. An item can now point to multiple Item Categories. Our intent is for these to eventually replace the somewhat painful Item Type, Item SubType, and Item "Class" enumerations... these definitions will let us expand what categories we support for items without you having to update enumerations in code, and has also simplified the Explorer API in the process.
Check out the Destiny/Explorer/Items/ API reference for more information, and as always hit up the forum here with any questions!
Also, we'll be working on improving this API over time - this will be a continually evolving feature, but we will attempt to maintain backwards compatibility as usual. Hang tight, and if you run into issues let us know!
Just confirming, is there a dynamically generated definition for Sources and ItemCategories somewhere? Looking at the exported Mobile Manifest, I can't seem to see any new definitions in there for these, or am I just being a bit too eager and they are still being added? I can see that InventoryItems have had a facelift though. The Armory looks sweet, even if I can't see the Elemental Primaries that Skolas drops in Prison of Elders :p The definitions I can see in the mobile manifest at the moment are: [quote]DestinyActivityBundleDefinition DestinyActivityDefinition DestinyActivityTypeDefinition DestinyClassDefinition DestinyDestinationDefinition DestinyDirectorBookDefinition DestinyEnemyRaceDefinition DestinyFactionDefinition DestinyGenderDefinition DestinyGrimoireCardDefinition DestinyGrimoireDefinition DestinyHistoricalStatsDefinition DestinyInventoryBucketDefinition DestinyInventoryItemDefinition DestinyPlaceDefinition DestinyProgressionDefinition DestinyRaceDefinition DestinySandboxPerkDefinition DestinyScriptedSkullDefinition DestinySpecialEventDefinition DestinyStatDefinition DestinyStatGroupDefinition DestinyTalentGridDefinition DestinyTriumphSetDefinition DestinyUnlockFlagDefinition DestinyVendorCategoryDefinition DestinyVendorDefinition[/quote]