*you are unable to encode the armor*
*goes invisible*
*he isnt where yo attmepted to god mod*
*the katana goes thrhgt your chest, as eh goes visible again*
Grabs katana, snaps it and uses a teleport grenade,
*the katana doesnt brek, he twists it aroudn and dodges whiel grinding the balde inside your body* that blade is cobalt, mixxzed with duranium and admantium. *he slashes the blade out thrhgt yoru shoulder*
Can't god mode your katana, and plus I teleported away, at least read what I say
it says you teleproted me. then used a tleeprot granade you didnt spcfify how And considergn you appear to be a god killer it seems fair to ahve a ahrd to rbeak katana.
You said it failed, so it failed, I teleported myself after you stabbed me while I was invisible
Let us end this, you promise you will never attack the empire again and we won't go on hunts for you unless you break this, deal?
*flisphte bird as he uses the free hand to rev his bikes engine again* I havent done shit! rides away whiel he keeps flipign off*
Also when did I say I was a killer of gods?