Alot of ppl are going on and on about nerfing the Thorn is that true?
More than likely when The Taken King launches. Prediction: 2.5% nerf to base impact (same as Auto Rifle nerf). Possibly a nerf to base Range. Possibly a small Auto Rifle buff. This leaves the Red Death as the true Crucible King, exactly according to Bungie's master plan to put all weapons in the limelight one at a time and make the others worthless trash.
Hopefully. I only use it as a crutch and can admit that. I'm tired of it being the best option. I wanna use my Messanger and outgun thorn but it's just not as easy to get kills
I hope so
I honestly think it should be nerfed because it is just sad when everyone in the game is using that gun. I've been playing with bad ju ju lately and used it in the IB on my Titan and I'm loving it. The IB pulse rifle is pretty beast as well tbf
They are gonna nerf it to the ground like the beloved suros.
Almost 4k kills with it.. You sure like it.
Feel like I'm forced to use it. They need to fix Auto Rifles so I can dust my Suros off. It will always be baby.
I have no problem as long as TLW gets nerfed too. Its far worse than thorn
You make it seem like you can't get kills without it
God willing
I hope
im trying to play with it as much as possible before they nerf it
It was rumored since by fir said "weapon rebalancing" [spoiler]lol. Rebalancing my ass[/spoiler]
Needs a buff. It should inflict 200 damage per shot in PvP.
It's probably going to happen. [i][b]God forbid you use a different weapon other than Thorn....[/b][/i]