originally posted in:Destiny Riddlers
[quote]Time to see what your truly made of. If y'all answer this in the first guess I might cry. I took a very abstract route with this one. So, with that said, good luck!
Who/what am I?
"[i]The insides of an hourglass move to fill new spaces, and I reside with a similar conscience to another. My time has ended, but I believe a new start is at hand. Who would you be to defy me? By this right alone, I should rule, yes? But it was not so. Kings will fall, but I remain where the war is everlasting. I tried to bring them all together once, but my power was lost. Fear not, for in time, the Golden Age will be upon us again, whether you like it or not.[/i]"
SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME SHOUTOUT to lordfailythe1st for helping me with this riddle.[/quote]
I feel like it's one of the guardians of old. Maybe toland or saint 14?