[b][u]EXALTED GODS[/u][/b]
[b]XBOX ONE[/b]
We are Looking for great pvp players in destiny with a KD of 1.0 or higher!
[b][Exalted Gods][/b]
We're all active members and looking to increase our numbers We look for teamwork and skill put together. So it's all a matter of how well people communicate and work with teammates for the [b]WIN[/b] not always about slaying and worrying about your KD.
[b]Looking for good PVP players to run trials with and reach the lighthouse every weekend?
Do you want to complete end game content easily?
Do you want skilled players on your fire team at all times? [/b]
Age range 16 and older. With few exceptions.
Must play trials and iron banner
Overall KD of 1.0 or higher in Crucible/trials. We check KD.
- Active players. We want players who will help other clan members complete various activities. This will boost our clan as a whole. After all, we are family. (Most of us are on daily. If you cannot get on, it's understandable)
- You will be screened(looked at as a tryout) by an admin and we will determine if you fit. Your personality will also count.
We Do Not accept everyone who wants to join. Only good fun active players please!
Just reply here with your gamertag, KD, time zone and anything else you think we should know! Thanks!
Feel free to send a request in and I will accept it after you're approved from screening. Remember, a screening is a requirement.
Anyone who wants to become a recruit message
please like and bump this so others can join as well! Thanks!
Your k/d is 1.04. Guess you just made the cut. Congrats