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Okay, so a while back some of you were wondering about the Explorer API, and we told you to sit tight as it was a work in progress. Today we've finally released the official V1 of the API, and with it we've modified how it works a bit.
When you grab the latest manifest, you'll see a new set of "ItemCategories" definitions. An item can now point to multiple Item Categories. Our intent is for these to eventually replace the somewhat painful Item Type, Item SubType, and Item "Class" enumerations... these definitions will let us expand what categories we support for items without you having to update enumerations in code, and has also simplified the Explorer API in the process.
Check out the Destiny/Explorer/Items/ API reference for more information, and as always hit up the forum here with any questions!
Also, we'll be working on improving this API over time - this will be a continually evolving feature, but we will attempt to maintain backwards compatibility as usual. Hang tight, and if you run into issues let us know!
Edited by lowlines: 7/8/2015 7:40:03 AMFor anyone that wants a simple list of named values, I have written a PHP script to grab all the inputs used on the Bungie.net Armory page and output it as a data structure you could feed into your own applications. I have [url=http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/Armory_Inputs]posted the data output[/url] on the Wikia for anyone who wants it. This is just a temporary solution until the mobile manifest gets updated with the complete data. [edit] Looks like there's a bunch of categories not found in the armory... [quote]16 - Quest / Quest Step 17 - Quest Complete 24 - Completed Bounty 25 - Bounty Reward 27 - Vanguard Bounty 28 - Trials of Osiris / Crucible Bounty? 29 - Queen's Orders / Reef Bounty 30 - Iron Banner Bounty 31 - Exotic Weapon Bounty 32 - Message 33 - Special Message 34 - Engram 36 - Material Exchange 37 - Mission Reward 50 - Subclass 51 - Ship Schematics[/quote] [edit2] There's also one source not found in the Armory. [quote]1557240522 - Faction Package?[/quote]