originally posted in:Destiny Riddlers
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I'm taking another try at making a riddle, since the first one got solved quickly.
Who/ what am I?
I can see. You. Yes you, and your fellow guardians too. You fight the others, and I watch. Find your openings. A mere few know that we visit the lands. Not just lands. The lands, where you believe we cannot tread, and everything is fun and games. But we won't interfere. We will just study.
Hint 1: Some hear us. Some see us. All wonder of our motives. We are only present for a short time, but that time can be linked between endless miles. Our coffin awakens. Our coffin comes. Our coffin sees.
Hint 2: The lands of old are kept by guardians. The backstory of this place is not fully known. Our coffin uses this place for many things. Whether we come for transportation, to watch over guardians, or to claim these lands of rust, is unknown.
Hopefully I've said enough for someone to get it.
More Hints will be supplied in the future.
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