Anybody who actually does what they're called to do in any of those or major religions will be peaceful in nature
You obviously don't know much about the bible or the Qur'an .
I don't know if you do either my friend? Ever hear of the Good Samaritan? That's what an ideal Christian is supposed to be like. Seems pretty peaceful to me. Can't say much about Islam since I'm not familiar
so all the passages of the bible that call for people to be stoned is "peaceful"?
You're really ignorant man. In today's present age Christianity is a very peaceful religion. Were called to do unto others as we would have done to ourselves. Forgiveness is a huge tenant in Christianity, you're not supposed to enact revenge or use violence to solve your problems. Why don't you read the New Testament and learn something for once. Jesus changed the entirety of Christianity and its attitudes. A Christian nowadays is called to be like Jesus. Do you really think Jesus wasn't peaceful? According to the bible at least
It a nice thing to say but you can't just ignore part of what you're whole book says and say you are peaceful
You don't ignore it, you appreciate it. If not for Jesus we'd still have to do all those things. Hence, why we love Jesus.... You feel me?
This is not a response to what I said so no im not feeling you
You said Christians ignore old law? They don't stone people? Jesus took that away? What did I miss?
You think that is the only allowed violence?
Well it was an example. If you find verses from the bible that promote violence found in both the new and Old Testament, than you'll have a point
[quote]you're not supposed to enact revenge or use violence to solve your problems. Why don't you read the New Testament and learn something for once[/quote]i like how you conveniently ignore the old testament.
You are?... You don't follow old law. Rule of thumb would be if it's found in both the old and the new then it's something to follow. You really need to stop being so spiteful and just have a debate you're really annoying dude with your ignorance
Ever heard of god? If you knew anything about the bible or the Qur'an you would know that god is anything but peaceful, he's a piece of shit. By following his example Christianity and Islam are not peaceful religions and have historically demonstrated as such. It is there in black and white.