basically when you play crucible and theres always those 2 casuals at the very bottom of the team not pulling their own weight yet they still persist on playing the game even tho they suck and are unlikely to learn and get better. my question is how the hell can you be having fun with 1 kill and 15 deaths. I don't understand the tiny mind of a casual.
You also get those two assholes at the top of the team not playing the objective! I dont understand the tiny mind of a try hard ;-)
Edited by Strix: 7/8/2015 2:00:32 PMWe don't have fun with that. Bungie forces PVP on us for exotic bounties and marks for faction gear. If there was another way I would.
Edited by GX: 7/8/2015 2:38:39 PMvery true. i hear that from a lot of people… nobody finds pvp fun, they just want to get their gear and get off the broken pvp.. the amount of times i see people complete an exotic bounty in crucible then they leave the game immediately :L i wonder if bungie see that.
Edited by Strix: 7/9/2015 4:00:54 AMThey retrieve so much data from our gameplay that it's in there somewhere! I understand that some people love the PVP, but I'm here for the sandbox gameplay.
How does that make them have a tiny mind?
because tiny minds never learn
That is true! lol Run to the same spot, get killed, run back for revenge ....... get killed try and hide...... guardian down!
Ive had plenty of games where I just couldn't get more than 3 kills and 90 million deaths. It might be the map or just getting unlucky....or my favorite...blowing myself up with a damn rocket. I don't suck I just have bad games sometimes. My k/d may not be positive but who gives a shit? Let me play the game that I PAY FOR
Maybe people try to get better at it and the only way is by keep playing?