You skip showers to do raids.
You have no social activity outside of purple ball time.
You are still wearing the same clothes since beta.
You order Red Bull to be delivered to your house for codes.
Your mom calls you guardian (eg: "Here's some more dorritos my little guardian! Maybe later we can try to set up your Match profile so you can give me grandchildren?")
You think x weapon is op
You think x weapon needs buff
thought you'd like two no
When you no longer play the game as it's the most monotonous, repetitive and unrewarding game you have ever played. With the added extra of having to pay for the game again and again every six months. I wish I never bought it in the first place, I'm embarrassed to be a day one player with a season pass. May aswell print RETARD on my forehead and start pouring my money down the drain.