All the stupid people need to be killed.
Generally I'm a very compassionate, loving, patient person. I have no hatred for any race or religion. American arrogance and blind patriotism annoys me a bit, but its mostly harmless banter, I don't really bare them any ill will. I actually lived there for a while.
But then there's the stupid people. Ignorant people. People who can't think for themselves, who blindly accept anything they are told without testing or examining it for themselves. Who believe in bullshit conspiracy theories that anyone with half a brain can see aren't feasible. People who can't spell or use grammar or articulate their thoughts properly. I'm not talking about your average occiasional typo, I'm sure I've made one in this paragraph. No, I'm talking about people who cannot use their language at all. People who are terrified to use a computer because they genuinely think they can break it in such a way it can't be repaired; people who have no awareness of what is happening around them and constanly bump into others and get in their way, and people who shout the loudest because they know the least. Those who profess their opinion so readily despite having very little to back it up infuriate me the most.
Stupid people are dragging down the entire human race and make my life hell on a daily basis. You would not believe some of the people I work with.
A colleague of mine once suggested that there should be no more supermarkets; only vending machines that require you to pass a test to be given food. Every year, it would be made 10% more difficult. The stupid people would starve to death. I laughed at the time, but I've secretly never wanted anything more.
People are so -blam!-ing stupid, and I'm tired of the human race making excuses and allowances for them.
The wise man speaks because he has something to say. The fool speaks because he has to say something.
We could also take the warning labels off of everything...
I have gone to the future and seen that people are smarter, healthier, and better than the present.